Farewell to Madeleine Riffaud - Valiant Soldier For Peace

Farewell to Madeleine Riffaud - Valiant Soldier For Peace

On November 6, 2024, Madeleine Riffaud, a French communist journalist, a war heroine, and a close friend who wholeheartedly fought for peace in Vietnam, passed away in Paris at the age of 100.
First-ever Festival for Peace Launched in War-torn Province of Vietnam

First-ever Festival for Peace Launched in War-torn Province of Vietnam

Quang Tri province suffered heavy bombardment and loss of life during the war in Vietnam.
70 Years of Dien Bien Phu Victory: Exchange of History and Memories in France

70 Years of Dien Bien Phu Victory: Exchange of History and Memories in France

The speakers were journalists, scholars, researchers, film directors and even a veteran over 90 years old who participated in the Dien Bien Phu campaign, giving multi-dimensional perspectives on the war, sharing thoughts and memories, as well as the desire for harmony and peace.
Vietnamese in France Gather to Mark 50 Years of Paris Peace Accords

Vietnamese in France Gather to Mark 50 Years of Paris Peace Accords

Fifty years ago, the Paris Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam was formally signed, marking a significant milestone in the glorious revolution of the Vietnamese people and diplomacy.
Ceremony Honours Raymonde Dien, A Vietnam’s Great Friend in France

Ceremony Honours Raymonde Dien, A Vietnam’s Great Friend in France

French communist Raymonde Dien - a symbol of the fight against the war by French colonialists in Vietnam, had passed away in August 2022 at the age of 93.
Picasso and His Famous Dove of Peace

Picasso and His Famous Dove of Peace

Pablo Ruiz Picasso (1881-1973) is honored as one of the most outstanding painters of the 20th century. He had a collection of many paintings of pigeons. These paintings have entered the hearts of mankind and become the symbol of peace.
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