Vietnam, Iran to Tap Potential and Opportunities for Tourism Development

Iran is famous for its majestic natural landscapes, while Vietnam attracts tourists with its stunning natural scenery bearing the distinct characteristics of the East. The people of both countries are friendly and hospitable... These are the potentials and opportunities for the two sides to develop tourism through experience sharing and cooperation. This was stated by Iranian Ambassador to Vietnam Ali Akbar Nazari at the "Iran - Southeast Asia Tourism Roadshow 2024 - Iran - Vietnam Tourism Conference" held on July 1 in Hanoi. This is the first time Iran's tourism promotion conference in Vietnam.
July 02, 2024 | 15:34
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The conference was organized by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts of the Islamic Republic of Iran in collaboration with the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Vietnam to introduce Iran's tourism potential. It also creates a forum for meeting and exchanging between businesses of the two countries, thereby, providing Vietnamese travel businesses and people with realistic information and images of Iran, contributing to further promoting cultural and tourism exchanges between the two countries.

According to Ambassador Ali Akbar Nazari: Iran is famous for its ancient historical sites; UNESCO-recognized world heritages; the majestic natural scenery of Mazandaran; the magnificent architectural works of Isfahan, Shiraz; the colorful markets of Tabriz. With its rich history, diverse culture, and hospitable and friendly people, Iran has great potential to attract international tourists, including those from Vietnam. Meanwhile, Vietnamese people are hospitable and kind; Vietnam has stunning natural scenery, bearing the distinct characteristics of the East, making it an attractive destination for Iranian tourists. Ambassador Ali Akbar Nazari believes that Vietnam and Iran have great potential and opportunities to develop tourism through experience sharing and cooperation.

Vietnam, Iran to Tap Potential and Opportunities for Tourism Development
Ali Asghar Shalbafian Hosseinabadi, Deputy Minister of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of Iran gave a speech at the event. (Photo: Hong Anh)

According to Ali Asghar Shalbafian Hosseinabadi, Deputy Minister of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of Iran, although Vietnam and Iran have great potential for tourism development, tourism exchanges and dialogues between the two countries have not been diverse and rich. He hopes that the Conference will contribute to promoting tourism exchanges, thereby enhancing people-to-people exchanges between the two countries.

The Iranian government's unilateral visa exemption for Vietnamese citizens is a move to facilitate Vietnamese tourists to visit Iran. To reduce costs and increase tourism interaction between the two countries, a direct flight route should be established soon. Ali Asghar Shalbafian Hosseinabadi said that Iran always welcomes Vietnamese tourists to visit and explore its famous landmarks. Iran will welcome Vietnamese tourists with all its heart so that tourists will have wonderful experiences when coming to Iran.

Vietnam, Iran to Tap Potential and Opportunities for Tourism Development
Vietnamese and Iranian business representatives exchange at the "Iran - Southeast Asia Tourism Roadshow 2024 - Iran - Vietnam Tourism Conference", held on July 1 in Hanoi. (Photo: Hong Anh)

Hoang Dao Cuong, Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam, said: Many cooperation and tourism promotion activities within the bilateral and multilateral frameworks have been effectively implemented by the two countries, attracting the participation of agencies, associations, and tourism enterprises from both sides. In August 2023, on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Iran, the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism organized a series of activities and events to introduce the image of Vietnam's country, people, and cultural tourism in Iran, thereby bringing the two peoples closer together, understanding and loving each other more.

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam and the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of Iran are working on a Memorandum of Understanding on tourism cooperation. The signing is expected to contribute to creating favorable conditions and promoting tourism cooperation commensurate with the potential, needs, and aspirations of the two sides. The Vietnamese government is actively building and developing a Halal industry, promoting Halal tourism to attract tourists from the Middle East in general and Iran in particular.

At the event, delegates and businesses met, connected, exchanged, and shared their needs and aspirations for cooperation in the fields of tourism and cultural exchange.

"Vietnam and Iran established diplomatic relations in 1973, but people-to-people exchanges between the two countries have appeared for centuries. These early interactions and exchanges have laid the foundation for the relationship between the two countries, creating a premise for the strong development of Vietnam - Iran relations in the future."

Ambassador of Iran to Vietnam Ali Akbar Nazari

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