Vietnam News Today (Jun. 22): Vietnam Always Treasures All-around Ties With Morocco

Vietnam News Today (Jun. 22): Vietnam always treasures all-around ties with Morocco; Vietnam backs UNSC’s role in addressing global cyber security challenges; PM hails practical and effective partnership with IMF; Russian President wraps up state visit to Vietnam.
June 22, 2024 | 08:09
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Vietnam News Today (Jun. 22) notable headlines

Vietnam always treasures all-around ties with Morocco

Vietnam backs UNSC’s role in addressing global cyber security challenges

PM hails practical and effective partnership with IMF

Russian President wraps up state visit to Vietnam

Proactive measures urged as tropical depression forms in the East Sea

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Vietnam’s ratings affirmed at “BB+” with stable outlook

NA Chairman Tran Thanh Man (R) welcomes Najib El Khadi, Secretary-General of the House of Representatives of Morocco and President of the Association of Secretaries General of Parliaments (ASGP).
NA Chairman Tran Thanh Man (R) welcomes Najib El Khadi, Secretary-General of the House of Representatives of Morocco and President of the Association of Secretaries General of Parliaments (ASGP).

Vietnam always treasures all-around ties with Morocco

Vietnam always values and desires to foster friendly relations and comprehensive cooperation with Morocco, said National Assembly (NA) Chairman Tran Thanh Man at June 21 reception in Hanoi for Najib El Khadi, Secretary-General of the House of Representatives of Morocco and President of the Association of Secretaries General of Parliaments (ASGP).

At the function, the Vietnamese NA leader showed his elation at the positive developments in bilateral ties, reviewed the visits of both nations’ leaders over recent times and congratulated Morocco on its achievements in socio-economic development.

He also expressed his great impression of the development of Morocco, which now ranks fifth among 10 North African countries with developed economies and boasts many famous beautiful global landscapes.

El Khadi congratulated NA Chairman Man on being elected to his new position and said that there will be a working session with the Secretary General and Chairman of the NA Office Bui Van Cuong to discuss cooperation opportunities between the two advisory agencies in order to serve the two countries' legislatures on both bilateral and multilateral channels. This includes implementing and promoting initiatives in a bid to establish the Association of Parliamentary Secretaries General of Asia-Pacific.

The occasion saw El Khadi hail the important achievements of the Vietnam NA over recent times in innovating its way of operating and organizing the legislature such as applying modern information technology, digitalization, and technology for storing image documents.

He expressed his impression when visiting the traditional room, the exhibition area of ​​underground archaeological discoveries of the NA House. He stated his belief that preserving and storing archaeological relics can also be a topic for the two sides to exchange experience, especially at parliamentary alliance mechanisms, and those in which both sides engage in.

The Moroccan official emphasized that the mutual relationship between Morocco and Vietnam has a long history. Indeed, the affection between the two peoples comes from sharing historical memories and past struggles for the causes of national liberation and independence like today, whilst Vietnam is always in the hearts of the Moroccan people, he added.

According to the General Secretary of Morocco's House of Representatives, both nations have many things in common in terms of national construction and development. In particular, both sides pay close attention to and attach importance to boosting South-South collaboration efforts.

Informing NA Chairman Man about the Moroccan socio-economic development situation recently, El Khadi said that both sides are in the process of walking together on the path of development and noted that the two countries have strengths to further reinforce and tighten the symbolic relationship between the two countries.

NA Chairman Man said that both nations have enjoyed a friendly relationship and multifaceted co-operation, while emphasizing that parliamentary ties is one of the effective channels in the two countries' relationship.

The parliaments have maintained delegation exchanges, high-level meetings, and close linkages, whilst offering mutual support at world and regional multilateral inter-parliamentary forums, cited VOV.

The two legislatures signed a Cooperation Agreement back in 2017. The NA proposed that the two sides review and continue to effectively carry out the signed cooperation contents, deepen parliamentary relations, actively exchange delegations at all levels, and friendly parliamentary groups.

Efforts include further strengthening the exchange of goods experience and valuable lessons of the two legislative bodies in a multitude of fields, especially in legislation, and mutual support at multilateral forums.

NA Chairman Man therefore proposed that the two sides share experience in running operations of the supporting apparatus of the two legislatures in a bid to further beef up parliamentary ties.

He also expressed his hope that, in his position as ASGP President, El Khadi will intensify exchange activities and share operational experience of parliaments of other countries.

On the occasion, NA Chairman Man invited the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives of Morocco to make an official visit to Vietnam soon.

In turn, El Khadi respectfully conveyed to NA Chairman Man an invitation to soon officially visit Morocco by the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives of Morocco.

Vietnam backs UNSC’s role in addressing global cyber security challenges

Vietnam has urged the UN Security Council, with its function of maintaining international peace and security, to pay more attention and resources to the settlement of cyberspace-related challenges and cyber security-related aspects in preventing conflicts, preventing and controlling terrorism, and protecting essential infrastructure.

Addressing the high-level debate on “Maintenance of International Peace and Security: Addressing Evolving Threats in Cyberspace” held by the UN Security Council on June 20 in New York, Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the UN, affirmed that threats in cyberspace are increasing in both scale and complexity, posing risks of escalating geo-political tensions and directly threatening all countries, with developing countries the most vulnerable due to their limited cyberspace security capacity.

To address those threats, multi-dimensional approaches and uniform solutions are needed, the ambassador said, stressing that the UN plays the key role in strengthening and perfecting international frameworks via such initiatives as the Global Digital Compact and the Convention on Cyber Crime. At the same time, cooperation should be enhanced to raise cyber defense capacity and narrow the gap in information technology among nations, VNA reported.

Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the UN, speaks at the UNSC debate on threats on cyberspace (Photo: VNA)
Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the UN, speaks at the UNSC debate on threats on cyberspace (Photo: VNA)

The Vietnamese representative said that with the adoption of the Law on Cyber Security in 2018, Vietnam is taking a comprehensive approach to dealing with cyber security threats.

Vietnam backs and actively participates in international cooperation in this regard on the basis of respect for national independence and sovereignty, no interference into internal affairs and sharing of responsibilities in promoting responsible behaviors in cyberspace, Giang said.

Under the chair of Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea Cho Tae-yul, participants expressed deep concern about global cybersecurity and proposed solutions, including shoring up multilateral cooperation, consolidating the international legal framework and further enhancing the role of the UN Security in this regard.

PM hails practical and effective partnership with IMF

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has applauded the practical and effective partnership between Vietnam and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), highlighting its value in policy consultations.

At a reception in Hanoi on June 21 for a delegation from the IMF’s Article IV Mission led by Paulo Medas, the Government leader laid stress on Vietnam's economic progress in the first half of this year despite global headwinds.

He said Vietnam remains steadfast in its goal of promoting growth while maintaining macroeconomic stability, managing proactive, flexible and effective monetary policy in harmonious and close combination with reasonably expansive fiscal policy with specific focuses and targets.

According to him, Vietnam is pursuing three strategic breakthroughs in infrastructure, institutional frameworks, and quality human resources training, with a view to resolving development bottlenecks, lowering logistics costs, increasing the economy's competitiveness, and meeting workforce demand in the new era, especially in emerging sectors.

Acknowledging the Vietnamese Government’s economic management, particularly its handling of inflation and banking sector reforms, Medas encouraged greater efforts in improving governance, combating corruption, and attracting investment, especially in infrastructure and renewable energy, cited VOV.

 Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh (R) hosts head of the IMF’s Article IV Mission Paulo Medas.
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh (R) hosts head of the IMF’s Article IV Mission Paulo Medas.

Chinh agreed with Medas' suggestions, saying that Vietnam is strengthening new growth areas like the digital, circular, and knowledge economies alongside traditional growth drivers such as investment, exports and consumption. He also touched upon plans for increased public investment, particularly in transportation infrastructure, along with tax breaks and business incentives.

Showing confidence in achieving Vietnam's 2024 and 2021-2026 socio-economic development goals, Chinh proposed continued collaboration with the IMF in some areas, including updated global economic forecasts, policy advice, and technical support in economic and budget management, monetary policy, and human resource capacity building for global integration.

In response, Medas affirmed the IMF’s willingness to continue supporting Vietnam, and asked the Vietnamese Government to intensify coordination and consensus in policy making, particularly fiscal, monetary and investment policies.

Russian President wraps up state visit to Vietnam

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his entourage left Hanoi on Thursday night, wrapping up the state visit to Vietnam at the invitation of General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong.

During the two-day state visit, President Putin laid wreath in tribute to President Ho Chi Minh at his mausoleum in Ha Noi and laid wreath in commemoration of fallen combatants at the Monument to Heroes and Martyrs.

The Russian President was formally welcomed in a solemn ceremony at the Presidential Palace, with the highest protocol for a head of state, cited VGP.

Russian President Vladimir Putin (1st from R) finalizes the state visit to Vietnam.
Russian President Vladimir Putin (1st from R) finalizes the state visit to Vietnam.

While in the country, President Putin held talks with General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and President To Lam, and met with Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and Chairman of the National Assembly Tran Thanh Man.

As part of the visit, the Vietnamese and Russian presidents shared a warm meeting with leaders of the Vietnam-Russia Friendship Association and generations of Vietnamese alumni who studied in Russia. President To hosted a state banquet in honor of his counterpart.

On the occasion, President To Lam and President Putin witnessed the exchange of 11 cooperation agreements ranging from education to transport, justice, customs, finance, and science-technology.

Proactive measures urged as tropical depression forms in the East Sea

Coastal provinces and cities from Quang Ninh to Kien Giang are advised to take proactive measures this weekend in response to a potential tropical depression or storm forming in the East Sea.

The Standing Office of the National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control has issued a directive to the Steering Committees for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control and Search and Rescue in coastal provinces and cities from Quang Ninh to Kien Giang. This directive concerns the expected formation of a low-pressure area in the East Sea and the accompanying strong winds at sea.

According to the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, a low-pressure area is likely to form around June 22-23, 2024, in the northern and central areas of the East Sea.

This low-pressure area is forecast to strengthen into a tropical depression or storm. Between June 23-25, this weather system may directly impact the northern and central areas of the East Sea, including the waters of the Hoang Sa archipelago and the Gulf of Tonkin, VNN reported.

Illustration: National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting
Illustration: National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting

Due to the influence of the Southwest monsoon, the central and southern areas of the East Sea, including the waters west of the Truong Sa archipelago, are experiencing strong southwest winds at level 5, occasionally reaching level 6, with gusts up to levels 7-8. The sea conditions include rough seas with waves ranging from 1.5 to 2.5 meters high.

To prepare for these conditions, the Standing Office of the National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control has outlined several key actions:

- Closely monitor weather warnings, forecasts, and developments related to strong winds, large waves, and the forming low-pressure area.

- Timely notify captains, vehicle owners, and vessels operating at sea to take preventive measures and adjust production plans to ensure the safety of people and property.

- Maintain communication channels to promptly handle any adverse situations.

- The Steering Committees for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control and Search and Rescue of provinces and cities are instructed to ready their forces and resources for potential rescue and relief operations.

- Ensure continuous duty and regular reporting to the Standing Office of the National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control and the Office of the National Committee for Incident, Natural Disaster Response, and Search and Rescue.

The National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting reports that currently, the central and southern East Sea, including the Truong Sa archipelago and the waters from Phu Yen to Ca Mau, are experiencing showers and thunderstorms. The Phu Quy island station is reporting strong winds at level 6, while the Huyen Tran island station is experiencing gusts at level 8.

For today and tonight (June 20), the central and southern East Sea, including the Truong Sa archipelago, and the sea from Binh Dinh to Ca Mau, Ca Mau to Kien Giang, and the Gulf of Thailand are expected to see showers and strong thunderstorms. These storms may bring tornadoes and strong gusts at levels 6-7, with wave heights sometimes exceeding 2 meters.

The sea from Binh Thuan to Ca Mau and the western sea of the southern East Sea, including the western sea of the Truong Sa archipelago, are expected to continue experiencing strong southwest winds at level 5, occasionally reaching level 6, with gusts up to levels 7-8. Rough seas and waves ranging from 1.5 to 2.5 meters high are anticipated.

All vessels operating in the above areas are at high risk of being affected by tornadoes, strong winds and large waves.

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Rosie Nguyen
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