Vietnam, Slovakia Deepen Ties Through Culture & Commerce

Czechoslovakia, now the Czech Republic and Slovakia, has always held a special place in the hearts of many Vietnamese people. The bond between the people of the two countries is rooted in years of shared experiences, studying, working, and supporting each other during challenging times. Today, members of the Vietnam-Slovakia Friendship Association continue to work diligently to deepen cultural and economic ties between the two countries. They share their thoughts and ideas on how to enhance these bilateral connections further.
September 04, 2024 | 15:15
Honoring Contribution of Vietnamese Community in Slovakia
Slovakia and Vietnam Strengthen Longtime Ties

Writer and Translator Do Ngoc Viet Dung:

A Cultural Bridge Between Vietnam, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic

In 1971, I first arrived in Czechoslovakia to study electrical engineering in Prague. I returned in the 1980s to pursue language and literature at Liberec University. My time in Czechoslovakia remains unforgettable, especially given the backdrop of the wars in my homeland Vietnam. During these difficult years, we were warmly welcomed and cared for by our Czechoslovakian friends.

Vietnam, Slovakia Deepen Ties Through Culture & Commerce
Writer and Translator Do Ngoc Viet Dung. (Photo: Bach Duong)

What left the deepest impression on me was the genuine kindness and hospitality of the Czechoslovakian people. Their small but meaningful gestures have stayed with me. For instance, when we first arrived by train, a Czechoslovakian woman shared all her food with us, sensing our initial hesitation. Her understanding and generosity touched us deeply.

In another instance, I was in a beer hall, where a Czechoslovakian quietly paid for my drink without my knowledge. During my studies, a Czechoslovakian woman took me in as her foster son. She would always save special treats for me, and when I returned to Vietnam in 1980, she overcame many obstacles to visit me, bringing simple yet heartfelt gifts.

I was captivated by the serene beauty of the landscape and the openness of the people in Czechoslovakia. In particular, their literature reflects this warmth, a blend of humor and profound insight into life and society. Inspired by this, I began translating poetry from 1974 to 1975 and continued to do so over the years, collecting works from Nobel laureates to unknown poets.

In 2012, I published my memoir titled “Three Lives - Stories of the West and East”, a 500-page book that chronicles my memories and experiences in Czechoslovakia. I have also translated various works on Czech and Slovak poetry, cuisine, sports, music, and history.

Even though I have returned to Vietnam, I still consider the Czech Republic and Slovakia my second home and often visit, armed with my collection of translated works and novels. Culture is a gateway to understanding other countries. Through literature, readers can connect with different languages, cultures, and peoples. I hope that selected literary works from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Vietnam will reach readers in all three countries, fostering mutual understanding and appreciation of each country’s culture and literature.

Nguyen Phi Viet, Vice President of the Vietnam-Czech, Slovakia Friendship Association in Ha Tinh Province:

Encouraging Youth Participation in the Friendship Association

The Vietnam-Czech, Slovakia Friendship Association in Ha Tinh Province was established in 2008, bringing together those who had studied or worked in the former Czechoslovakia. Our mission is to continue serving as a bridge to promote cooperation in various fields, including culture, economics, science and technology, and tourism between Ha Tinh enterprises and their Slovak and Czech counterparts.

Vice President of the Vietnam-Czech, Slovakia Friendship Association in Ha Tinh Province Nguyen Phi Viet. (Photo: Minh Thai)
Vice President of the Vietnam-Czech, Slovakia Friendship Association in Ha Tinh Province Nguyen Phi Viet. (Photo: Minh Thai)

However, the current membership primarily consists of older individuals. To sustain and develop this connection, we need to engage the younger generation, particularly entrepreneurs, who can bring fresh perspectives and open new avenues for collaboration.

In my perspective, organizing cultural exchange programs, study abroad scholarships, and international startup competitions could be effective ways to attract young people.

For youth participation to be more than just a slogan. We must create a dynamic and impactful environment where they can see their role in fostering the friendship between our countries.

Nguyen Huy Cuong, Former Head of the Slovakia-Vietnam Chamber of Commerce in Hanoi:

Expanding Economic and Technological Cooperation

For many Vietnamese who have lived and worked in Czechoslovakia, Slovakia and the Czech Republic are seen as one, both being friends who have supported and stood in solidarity with Vietnam during difficult times.

Former Head of the Slovakia-Vietnam Chamber of Commerce in Hanoi Nguyen Huy Cuong. (Photo: Bach Duong)
Former Head of the Slovakia-Vietnam Chamber of Commerce in Hanoi Nguyen Huy Cuong. (Photo: Bach Duong)

Building a sustainable relationship requires a systematic and professional approach. We have organized numerous conferences and seminars to connect Slovak and Vietnamese businesses. A significant milestone was the first Vietnam-Slovakia Intergovernmental Conference in 2013, which marked a new chapter in our bilateral relations.

Through the Vietnam-Slovakia Friendship Association, we recognize the need to establish a dedicated group focused on promoting cooperation in technology, trade, and economics. This group would serve as a more effective bridge for businesses from both countries, thereby exploring opportunities not only in traditional fields but also in emerging sectors.

I believe that with continued efforts from both sides, the Vietnam-Slovakia relations will grow stronger, contributing to the shared prosperity of our countries.

Vietnamese Community Contributes to Socio-Economic Development of Slovakia Vietnamese Community Contributes to Socio-Economic Development of Slovakia

The Vietnamese community has made many contributions to the socio-economic development of Slovakia.

Slovakia Recognizes Vietnamese Community as Ethnic Minority Slovakia Recognizes Vietnamese Community as Ethnic Minority

Earlier this month, the Vietnamese community was officially recognized as the 14th ethnic group in Slovakia.

Thanh Luan (Thu Phuong Translate)
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