Slovakia and Vietnam Strengthen Longtime Ties

The Chargé d'Affaires of Slovakia in Vietnam's confident that the relationship between the two countries will continue to strongly develop.
September 01, 2024 | 13:10
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Marian Veres, Chargé d'Affaires of the Republic of Slovakia in Vietnam, expresses his belief that the partnership between the two countries will develop more and more strongly, especially in the fields of trade, investment and tourism, at a friendship meeting to celebrate the 32nd anniversary of the Slovak Constitution Day (September 1, 1992 - 2024).

Attending the meeting held by the Vietnam - Slovakia Friendship Association were Marian Veres, chargé d'affaires of the Republic of Slovakia in Vietnam; Le Quang Hung, president of the Vietnam - Slovakia Friendship Association; representatives of the Europe Department of Viet Nam Union of Friendship Organizations); members of the Vietnam - Slovakia Friendship Association and those who love Slovakia.

Slovakia-Vietnam Long-standing Friendship Strongly Develops
Le Quang Hung, president of the Vietnam - Slovakia Friendship Association, spoke at the meeting. Photo: Bach Duong

Speaking at the August 30 event, Hung emphasized the strong and profound relationship between Vietnam and Slovakia (formerly Czechoslovakia), which has been built and strengthened over the past 70 years. He said that the Governments and peoples of the two countries have established comprehensive, warm and friendly relations in all aspects such as politics, economy, culture, and education.

The Slovak State also has created conditions for more than 2,000 Vietnamese students and postgraduates to study, and more than 10,000 Vietnamese workers to work and study in this country. The Vietnamese community in Slovakia has been and is an important factor in strengthening people-to-people diplomacy between the two countries. In 2023, the Slovak National Assembly recognized the Vietnamese community in Slovakia as an ethnic minority, marking a new step forward in bilateral relations, he continued.

Hung took the occasion to express his hope that in the coming time, the Slovak Embassy in Vietnam will continue to support the Vietnam - Slovakia Friendship Association in organizing more cultural and economic exchange activities, contributing to deepening the friendship between the two nations.

Hung voices his hope that the relationship between the two countries will develop further, bringing benefits to the two nations.

Slovakia-Vietnam Long-standing Friendship Strongly Develops
Charge d'affaires of the Slovak Republic in Vietnam Marian Veres spoke at the meeting. Photo: Bach Duong

Marian Veres, chargé d'affaires of the Slovak Republic in Vietnam, thanked the Vietnam - Slovakia Friendship Association for organizing this meaningful meeting. He said that the annual celebration of the Slovak people's national day in Vietnam affirms the depth of friendship between the two peoples. Despite the geographical distance, the friendship between Slovakia and Vietnam has always been strong.

The Chargé d'Affaires of Slovakia in Vietnam describes events like this as a testament to the closeness and mutual understanding between the two nations.

Veres also shared about the contributions of the Vietnamese community in Slovakia, especially after this community officially became an ethnic minority in this country. Cultural activities organized by the Vietnamese have helped Slovak people understand more about Vietnamese culture and traditions.

In order to continue promoting the relationship between the two countries, the Slovakian Embassy in Vietnam plans to organize the Slovak Cultural Week in Vietnam in 2025. This event will be an opportunity for Vietnamese people to experience Slovak culture through art performances and unique cultural introductions.

After the Covid-19 pandemic, Vietnam has become a popular tourist destination for Slovaks, Veres added, highlighting tours to Vietnam organized by Slovak travel companies have doubled in the past year. He highly appreciated Vietnam's rapid and dynamic development. He believes that the partnership between the two countries will grow stronger, especially in the fields of trade, investment and tourism.

During the meeting, delegates enjoyed typical dishes of Slovakia and Vietnam, watched film introducing Slovakian culture and landscapes, and listened to traditional songs of both countries. This was an opportunity for participants to learn more about Slovakian culture and further strengthen the good relations between the two countries.

Slovakia-Vietnam Long-standing Friendship Strongly Develops
At the get-together to celebrate the 32nd anniversary of the Slovak Constitution Day in Hanoi.
Slovakia-Vietnam Long-standing Friendship Strongly Develops
Delegates take souvenir photos. Photo: Bach Duong
Slovakia-Vietnam Long-standing Friendship Strongly Develops
Music performance by alumni.
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