Vietnam to Send Three Female Officers to Serve as UN Peacekeepers

On the afternoon of December 10, in Hanoi, the Ministry of National Defense held a ceremony to award the President's Decision to officers performing United Nations peacekeeping missions at the Republic of South Sudan, the Central African Republic and Abyei region.
December 11, 2023 | 09:40

Senior Lieutenant General Phung Si Tan, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army, Deputy Head of the Interdisciplinary Working Group, and Deputy Head of the Ministry of National Defense's Steering Committee on Vietnam’s participation in United Nations peacekeeping, presided over the ceremony.

Vietnam to Send Three Female Officers to Serve as UN Peacekeepers
Representatives of the Military Women's Committee gave gifts of encouragement to female soldiers before going to peacekeeping missions. (Photo:

The officers going on this mission include 3 female comrades. Lieutenant Colonel Do Thi Hieu who will replace Major Nguyen Thi Duong to hold the position of training officer at the MINUSCA mission in the Central African Republic.

Major Vu Thi Huong Thuy replaces Major Pham Dang Binh to hold the position of Military Observer at the UNMISS mission in South Sudan. Captain Nguyen Phuong Linh replaces Captain Tran Thi Hue to hold the position of Communications Officer at the MINUSCA mission in the Central African Republic.

The peacekeeping delegation also included Senior Lieutenant Le Khuong Duy, replacing Lieutenant Colonel Ngo Tri Tuan, who held the position of Light Engineer Staff Officer at the UNISFA mission, in Abyei area.

The 4 officers departing this time were transferred from Military Region 7, Military Medical Academy, and Military University of Culture and Arts to the Vietnam Peacekeeping Department to go on duty at the UN peacekeeping mission. They received the Decision of the President and the Decision of the Head of the Ministry of Defense before leaving.

Colonel Pham Manh Thang, Director of the Vietnam Department of Peacekeeping Operations (Ministry of National Defense), said that to do a good job of preparing forces to replace comrades to carry out their tasks, the Vietnam Department of Peacekeeping Operations proactively selected staff to ensure that they meet the quality, capacity, military qualifications, foreign language skills, and good health. The Department also organizes training courses and equips peacekeeping knowledge at the request of the United Nations, including pre-deployment training, United Nations Staff Officer Course, United Nations Military Observer…

Vietnam to Send Three Female Officers to Serve as UN Peacekeepers
Under the authorization of the President, Senior Lieutenant General Phung Si Tan handed over the decision and gave flowers to congratulate and encourage the officers before leaving to carry out the United Nations peacekeeping mission. (Photo:

At the same time, depending on each deployment location, the Department coordinates with functional agencies to provide additional training in professional expertise such as communications, logistics, driving...

Senior Lieutenant General Phung Si Tan praised the Vietnam Department of Peacekeeping Operations and related agencies and units in preparing qualified officers to perform duties at missions. Senior Lieutenant General Phung Si Tan requested the four officers to quickly grasp the situation in the area and perform their assigned responsibilities and tasks well.

Vietnam to Send Three Female Officers to Serve as UN Peacekeepers
The officers listened to the announcement of the President's Decision, from left to right, including Lieutenant Colonel Do Thi Hieu; Major Vu Thi Huong Thuy; Captain Nguyen Phuong Linh, and Senior Lieutenant Le Khuong Duy. (Photo:

Performing tasks in remote, risky areas, officers need to thoroughly grasp and seriously implement the foreign policy views and policies of the Party, State and Army; strictly comply with the discipline of the Vietnam People's Army, the regulations of the United Nations, the laws of the host country, and the instructions of the authorities and the Vietnam Peacekeeping Department; as well as always ensure military behavior while performing tasks.

To date, Vietnam has sent 789 officers and employees to participate in United Nations peacekeeping activities at three missions and United Nations Headquarters, including 782 Army officers and 7 Police officers.

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Tracy Dao