Vietnamese doctors save 65-year-old Japanese teacher’s life | Vietnam Times

Vietnamese doctors save 65-year-old Japanese teacher’s life

Viet Duc Hospital yesterday announced surgeons had saved a Japanese teacher who was victim of a traffic accident.
November 08, 2019 | 10:08

The Japanese teacher aged 65 was rushed to the hospital when he suffered multiple injuries after the accident.

Director of Cardiovascular and Chest Center of Viet Duc Hospital Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Huu Uoc said that surgeons soon performed a collarbone injury surgery.

Vietnamese doctors save 65-year-old Japanese teacher’s life

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Huu Uoc visits the patient

However, a few hours after the surgery, the Japanese teacher suffered from low blood pressure and pain in left chest. Scanning results showed that the patient had acute cardiac failure and right-circumflex artery.

This artery must be treated with stent placement to allow normal blood flow to resume; therefore, the surgeons then conducted an emergency stent placement surgery immediately.

Presently, the teacher gains consciousness with stable blood pressure and stop using drugs.


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