Vietnamese in Scandinavia Strengthen Bonds with Ho Chi Minh City

Recently, a delegation from the Ho Chi Minh City Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs visited and worked in the Nordic countries of Finland, Sweden and Denmark. This trip not only aimed to strengthen the relations between the City and the overseas Vietnamese community, but also opened up many opportunities for economic cooperation, attracting investment and promoting remittance resources for the development of Ho Chi Minh City.
October 10, 2024 | 10:19
Vietnamese Intellectuals Abroad Unite for National Development
Ho Chi Minh City Speeds up Attracting Remittances

One of the main contents discussed during the working trip was the dissemination of Resolution 98/2023/QH15 pilot implementation of special mechanisms and policies for the development of Ho Chi Minh City and the Project "Policy to effectively promote remittance resources in Ho Chi Minh City from now until 2030".

During the meeting in Eskilstuna, Sweden, Tran Van Tuan, Vietnamese Ambassador to Sweden, emphasized that strengthening trade, tourism, and family visits between Vietnam and Sweden is an important factor, creating conditions for the early opening of direct flights between the two countries. With the number of Swedish tourists to Thailand reaching 300,000 people each year, a direct flight from Thailand to Sweden has become a reality. The same thing could happen to Vietnam.

Vietnamese in Scandinavia Strengthen Bonds with Ho Chi Minh City
At the meeting.

At the meetings, Vu Thi Huynh Mai - Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs emphasized the importance of attracting investment from the overseas Vietnamese community in the City's strategic projects such as the expansion of the Ho Chi Minh City - Long Thanh - Dau Giay Expressway, the Ho Chi Minh City - Trung Luong Expressway and solar power development projects. In addition, the City also called for investment in other key areas, including the innovation center, clean energy transportation, and the Can Gio International Transit Port project.

In Denmark, many overseas Vietnamese businessmen proposed specific solutions to develop a distribution channel for goods from Ho Chi Minh City enterprises to the Northern European market, contributing to bringing Vietnamese products closer to consumers in this region.

In addition to economic cooperation opportunities, the trip also emphasized the preservation and promotion of Vietnamese cultural identity in the overseas Vietnamese community. The Ho Chi Minh City Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs presented a Vietnamese Bookcase to the Vietnamese community in Sweden, Denmark, and Finland. This is an effort to maintain and develop the mother tongue, especially for the younger generation, contributing to preserving Vietnamese culture in foreign lands.

The working trip to Northern Europe by the Ho Chi Minh City Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs has achieved many encouraging results. Not only strengthen relations with the overseas Vietnamese community, the trip also opened up many new cooperation opportunities in the fields of economics, science and technology. Vu Thi Huynh Mai affirmed: that Ho Chi Minh City always welcomes overseas Vietnamese to return, ready to be a fertile land for each overseas Vietnamese to become a seed to cultivate the prosperous future of the City.

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Hai Dang