Vietnamese people’s organizations prepare for ASEAN’s People’s Forum 2016

On May 25, 2016, in Hanoi, the National Coordination Committee for ASEAN’s People’s Forum 2016 (APF2016) held a conference of the Vietnamese People’s organizations to prepare for the participation of Vietnam in the Forum.
May 27, 2016 | 16:30

On May 25th, 2016, in Hanoi, the National Coordination Committee for ASEAN’s People’s Forum 2016 (APF2016) held a conference of the Vietnamese People’s organizations to prepare for the participation of Vietnam in the Forum.

Vietnamese people’s organizations prepare for ASEAN’s People’s Forum 2016

Attending the meeting were Mr Pham Van Chuong, Chairman of the Vietnam Committee for Solidarity and Cooperation with Asia, Africa and Latin America; Vietnam representatives at the Regional Operations Subcommittee of the Forum; members of Coordination Committee; about 30 delegates from the people’s organizations and non-governmental organizations.

Representatives of Coordination Committee reported the results of the 2nd Regional Consultation taking place from 10-11/05/2016 in Laos, as well as information on the situation of preparations for APF2016. Accordingly, the 2nd Regional Consultation focused on information about Laos and updating operational plans of ASEAN in the year of Laos taking the chairmanship; the situations of East Timor; dialogue with the 2016 ASEAN Chair; discussion on “ASEAN vision on people”; discussion on the significance of APF2016’s themes; about the program and the joint statement of APF2016 and updating the preparations for the forum of the host country.

At the meeting, representatives of the Vietnamese people’s organizations also discussed the preparations of Vietnam for APF2016. Accordingly, participants agreed to establish working groups to share information, coordinate the organization and participate in activities within the framework of the forum.

APF2016, under the theme “Expanding People’s Solidarity for a Just and Inclusive ASEAN Community”, will be held from 02-04/08/2016 in Dili, East Timor./.

( vietpeace )

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