Vietnamese Professor Releases Handbook on Vietnam-France Relations

The Truth National Political Publishing House recently introduced the book "50 years of Vietnam-France relations (1973-2023)" by Dr. Vo Minh Hung successfully provided meaningful stories to help readers better understand the development process of Vietnam-France relations.
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Vietnam - France article

"50 years of Vietnam-France Relations (1973-2023)" by Dr. Vo Minh Hung, published by the Truth National Political Publishing House (Photo:

The handbook chronicles the relationship of the two nations over the years. The chapters are the following; Chapter 1: Vietnam-France relations in history, Chapter 2: Vietnam-France relations in the period 1973-1993, Chapter 3: Vietnam-France relations in the period 1993-2023 and Chapter 4: Prospects for Vietnam-France relations in the coming decades of the 21st century. The book was published to help readers better understand the development process of the Vietnam-France relationship throughout history and its future prospects.

Dr. Vo Minh Hung, the book author, analyzed the remaining limitations as well as the prospects of the Vietnam-France relationship. He affirmed that the two countries will continue to strengthen their cooperative relationship and develop together and suggested a number of solutions to help raise the Vietnam-France relationship to a new level.

Vietnam - France article
The Vietnam-France relationship has increasingly developed comprehensively in all fields from politics-diplomacy, economics, culture, science-technology to defense-security and shared interests for peace and prosperity of the people of the two countries. (Photo: Freepik)

The Vietnam-France relationship is a long-standing traditional relationship. The relationship between the two countries has gone through different stages amidst many ups and downs in history. There were periods of brilliant development, periods of stagnation, and periods of decline as well.

As peace, regional and international cooperation for development is becoming a common trend globally, every country, big or small, rich or poor, developed or developing, must integrate into the common trend if it does not want to stand outside the flow of the times.

In that context, both countries must develop foreign policies suitable to the new situation to increase opportunities and facilitate the development of the nation and people, while at the same time resolving the difficulties both sides encountered.

France soon realized the potential of the Asia-Pacific region, home to the world's most dynamically developing economies, and implemented an Asia-oriented policy. Meanwhile, Vietnam also implemented a multilateral and diversified foreign policy, attaching importance to relations with economic and political centers around the world and expanding cooperation with European countries.

In ASEAN, Vietnam is increasingly gaining political and economic position and playing an important role. Therefore, Vietnam is completely suitable to act as a bridge to help France penetrate the ASEAN market as well as the large Asian market. On the other hand, France is one of the world's leading powers and plays a key role in Europe, especially the European Union. Promoting friendly relations with France will create favorable conditions for Vietnam to expand and develop economic relations with EU member countries in particular and European countries in general.

These meetings of interest have become a great motivation for the leaders of the two countries to arrive at appropriate policies to build and strengthen the strategic partnership with each other. Overcoming differences in political institutions, disparities in economic development levels, and leaving behind the pain of a past historical period, the Vietnam-France relationship has increasingly developed comprehensively in all fields from politics-diplomacy, economics, culture, science-technology to defense-security and shared interests for peace and prosperity of the people of the two countries.

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