Russian Scholar Discusses Her Love for Vietnam

Russian researcher Daria Mishukova has made many contributions to developing cultural exchanges and tourism between the two countries in the past decade.
June 19, 2024 | 10:53
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When Russian researcher on Vietnamese studies Daria Mishukova first started researching nearly 30 years ago, she did not dare to dream of being able to write many books about Vietnam. However, to date, dozens of books, hundreds of articles and interviews about Vietnam by Daria have been published, in both Russian and Vietnamese, attracting the attention of researchers and experts. readers from two countries.

According to Daria, her books are aimed at readers who have a special place in their hearts for Vietnam.

New handbooks about Vietnam

In early 2024, the Vietnamologist received good news from a publisher in Moscow saying they had completed printing three of her new books. These are the latest books about Vietnam, with the titles: “Vietnam - The Culture Code,” “Vietnam - The Dragon's Children,” and “Vietnam: Business with Dragon."

The first book is about cultural insights while the second focuses on the images of dragons in Vietnamese culture. The third book discusses business opportunities in the S-Shaped Land.

Russian Vietnamologist's Love for Vietnam
Russian scholar Daria Mishukova. Photo: NDO

In a recent interview with Nhan Dan (People) Newspaper, Daria spoke about her three new books, her enthusiasm and love for works about Vietnam.

Daria shares that these are not three volumes of one long series, but three separate books for groups of readers with different purposes and interests. This is easy to see as soon as you open the first pages of the book.

The book "Vietnam: Business with Dragon" has a striking red cover, for readers who want to learn about the business environment and behavioral culture among Vietnamese businessmen, for example about the typical culture of Vietnamese people in the business negotiation; business clubs and operating principles of various organizations; investment project registration procedures, business registration, tax registration, procedures for receiving temporary residence cards, driving licenses, and real estate purchases.

This book also provides information about export products that Vietnam has strengths in in the international and regional markets, as well as development directions until 2045. The book also mentions content about business forums, events for business people in Vietnam, such as Forbes Vietnam, Top 100 Business Style, Women Leaders Forum, Vietnam Business Forum, to name a few. These are activities that Daria has experience participating in with various roles, such as guest, sponsor representative, speaker, moderator and award recipient.

The green covered book "Vietnam - The Dragon's Children," takes readers into the mysterious land of dragons. For Vietnamese people, the dragon is a sacred animal, the top of the Four Sacred Animals. In this work, Daria explains the meaning of the legends of carp turning into a dragon, dragon holding a jade stone in their mouth, and fire dragon Tham Chau; introducing dragons on maps and in Vietnamese landmarks such as Thang Long (The soaring dragon), Ha Long (Descending dragon), Cuu Long (Nine dragons), about dragon symbols in architecture and interiors, especially providing interesting details about dragons in Vietnamese culture.

In the blue covered book “Vietnam - The Culture Code," the author encourages readers to discover the beauty of Vietnamese culture in the 21st century. In particular, the book introduces the latest Russian translation of Vietnam's Declaration of Independence and President Ho Chi Minh's Testament.

Russian Vietnamologist's Love for Vietnam
Three books published in Russian language by Daria Mishukova. Photos of the author

Talking about the new book, which she calls a "handbook on Vietnam" that she has diligently researched and collected, Daria said that when researching and writing about Vietnamese culture, personality, and the value of independent and free, she consulted original Vietnamese documents and Russian translations dating back to the 20th century. At that time, Daria felt she could improve the Russian translation and convert the book's content truer and closer to the original Vietnamese version.

The Russian scholar also translated two important Vietnamese documents and included them in the book "Vietnam - The Culture Code.” According to her, this content is important when writing about the influence of Uncle Ho's thoughts and teachings on the policy of developing Vietnam, building rich people and a strong country in the 21st century.

Special love for the S-shaped nation

Talking with Daria, seeing the Russian scholar who has a special love for Vietnam passionately presenting about new books, which she has devoted a lot of research to, it is hard to imagine that she is struggling with cancer.

Daria shared about her third stage cancer in Vietnamese, with a thick accent. However, she still thinks that each person has a destiny. At the age of 45, she clearly understands that the road ahead will be a short one; and her illness did not allow her to harbor too much hope. However, Daria's eyes still shine with faith, and she still believes in miracles.

She still writes every day, continuing her nearly 30-year career in Vietnamese studies. That time was very valuable, helping Daria grow up, have a worthy position in her career, especially having the opportunity to discover interesting things.

During her cancer treatment, the female Vietnamologist still tried to complete new books. When discussing with the publisher's representative about the book cover design, she could not walk, had difficulty even sitting, and had to mainly lie down. By that time Daria had undergone 8 cycles of chemo treatment.

She felt weak and laid in bed all day, but Daria still found a way to explain so that the designer understands that dragons in Vietnam are gentle, kind, and always help people, in contrast with the ferocious and evil three-headed dragon in Russian fairy tales.

Daria shared that the three new books are available as e-books and audiobooks on Litres - Russia's largest online bookstore, and are also on Google Books. Anyone interested, whether living in Russia, Vietnam or any other country, can easily order these books.

She emphasized that these books are for readers who have a special place in their hearts for Vietnam. She hopes her books will be used in training future generations of Vietnamese studies. Currently, a number of Russian lecturers teaching Vietnamese have contacted us to use these books in their teaching process.

When she first entered the field of Vietnamese studies, she did not dare to think that she would become the author of many books about Vietnam, in Russian and Vietnamese. After the book “Vietnam- The Land of Dragons and Fairies" was printed in Russian twice in 2007 and 2010 and in Vietnamese twice in 2013 and 2018. According to Daria, these works are widely known and associated with her name as a Vietnamese scholar, and are her greatest accomplishments.

Daria was proud to hear that her three new works were published, widely welcomed, and continue to contribute to the Vietnamese studies in Russia.

2025 will mark 30 years of Daria Mishukova working in Vietnamese studies. In 1995, she began studying Vietnamese at a university in her hometown of Vlapostok.

After graduating and working as a graduate student, she worked at the Institute of Oriental Studies at Far Eastern National University. By 2007, she held the position of vice dean of the Vietnamese department; then moved into business and tourism.

She received a honorable medal for her contributions to Culture, Sports, and Tourism from Vietnam’s Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in 2012. She was also awarded 12 Certificates of Merit from Vietnamese agencies.

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