Vietnamese Students Get to Know Camels's Role in Life of Arabs

The first World Camel Day celebration in Vietnam is expected to help Vietnamese people to understand more about the camel symbol of the Arab country.
June 16, 2024 | 15:08
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An event to observe World Camel Day (June 22) and celebrate the International Year of Camelids (IYC 2024) was jointly organized in Hanoi on June 14 by the Embassy of Saudi Arabia and the University of Languages and International Studies under Vietnam National University, Hanoi.

The event, the first of its kind in Vietnam, aimed to honor the historical, cultural and economic values of camels as well as helping Vietnamese people to have a better understanding about the role, value and significance of camels in the life of Arabs, as well as efforts of Saudi Arabia in preserving and promoting camel heritage.

Vietnamese Students Get to Know Camels's Role in Life of Arabs
Two students studying at the Department of Arabic Language and Culture give a presentation on "The significance of camels in the life and culture of the people of Saudi Arabia". Source: University of Languages and International Studies

Hamoud Naif S. Almutairi from the Embassy of Saudi Arabia highlighted the profound imprint of camels in Arabic culture, saying that camel is likened to a "desert ship", and thanks to the animal, ancient Arabs were able to settle down and move in the desert. Camels are mentioned in the Quran and hold an extremely important place in the minds of the Arab people.

Vice-Rector of the University of Languages and International Studies Le Ha Kim Anh said this event is an opportunity for lecturers, students, and lovers of Arabic culture to learn more about the camel symbol of the Arab world and the role of the animal in the life of Arab people.

Visitors at the event experienced an Arabic cultural space through traditional products such as date, coffee, and camel art corners.

Vietnamese Students Get to Know Camels's Role in Life of Arabs
Camel art corners. Source: University of Languages and International Studies

The camel is one of the most important livestock animals for ensuring food security in the face of climate disasters. It is sustainably raised with a low ecological footprint and produces a unique food - camel milk, which is considered a natural remedy. However, camels are often overlooked and receive little attention from policymakers at all levels.

The date of June 22 was chosen as World Camel Day because it is the longest and hottest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, and camels thrive in such harsh and hostile environments. The decision to celebrate World Camel Day on June 22 was made to differentiate it from World Giraffe Day, which celebrates animals with the longest necks on June 21. The difference in day length between June 21 and June 22 is only 2 seconds.

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