Vietnam’s Weather Forecast (January 3): Warm Temperature With Sunny Day In The Northern Region

On January 3, Vietnam’s weather forecast is predicted to be sunny with warm temperatures and foggy in the early morning in the Northern region.
January 02, 2024 | 00:54

According to the National Center for Hydrometeorological Forecasting, the weather will be warmer in the North from Thanh Hoa to Ha Tinh, and the temperature will be low at night and early morning hours.

The weather forecast in different regions

Northwest region: The weather forecast is predicted to be cloudy with light rain and fog in the early morning, and sunny during the day. The lowest temperature is 17-20 degrees, especially in the Northwest area. The highest temperature is 25-28 degrees, some places above 28 degrees.

Northeast region: The weather will be cloudy and foggy with moderate to heavy rain locally. Lowest temperature: 17-20 degrees. Highest temperature: 24-27 degrees.

Thanh Hoa – Thua Thien Hue: Cloudy, with moderate to heavy rain in some places and light fog in the early morning. The night is especially cold. Lowest temperature: 18-21 degrees. Highest temperature: 23-26 degrees.

Da Nang – Binh Thuan: Cloudy, with scattered showers and thunderstorms in some places during the day. Northeast wind level 2-3. Lowest temperature: 22-25 degrees. Highest temperature: North 25-28 degrees, South 29-32 degrees.

The Central Highlands: Cloudy and sunny during the day, with showers in the evening and at night. The lowest temperature is 18-21 degrees, some places below 18 degrees. The highest temperature is 28-31 degrees, some places above 31 degrees.

The Southern region: Cloudy and sunny during the day, with scattered showers and thunderstorms in the evening and at night. Lowest temperature: 23-26 degrees. Highest temperature: 32-35 degrees.

The weather forecast in big cities

Hanoi: Cloudy and foggy in the early morning, and sunny in the afternoon. East to southeast wind level 2-3. Lowest temperature: 18-20 degrees. Highest temperature: 25-27 degrees.

Vietnam’s Weather Forecast (January 3): Warm Temperature With Sunny Day In The Northern Region
The weather will be warm at the start of the year. Photo: Wander Lush

Ho Chi Minh City: The weather will be cloudy and sunny during the day, with high temperatures within the city. The lowest temperature is 23-26 degrees Celsius. The highest temperature is 32-35 degrees Celsius, in some places it is over 35 degrees.

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Charlotte Pho
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