Visiting Polish Diplomat Falls in Love with Vietnam

During the working visit to Vietnam from May 29-30, Undersecretary of State at the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Anna Krystyna Radwan-Röhrenschef shared with press agencies that there is ample room for cooperation between the two countries in the field of foreign affairs, digitalization, investment, and education.
June 03, 2024 | 10:00
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Respect for the trustworthiness of Vietnamese people

While this is the first time tha Anna Krystyna Radwan-Röhrenschef visited Vietnam, she said that she fell in love with Vietnam after five minutes and was extremely grateful for the hospitality and friendliness of her new friends.

“This is my first time visiting Vietnam. Last night, as soon as I arrived in Hanoi, I told my colleagues that in just five minutes I fell in love with this country. Hanoi is very wonderful. I also called my children and told them to visit this country because they would like it," she said.

Visiting Polish Diplomat Falls in Love with Vietnam
The Polish diplomat wants to soon bring his family members to the S-shaped land, not necessarily for work purposes but simply to bring new experiences (Photo:

Regarding the bilateral relations between Vietnam and Poland, she believed that since two countries have a good and long history of cooperation with many areas of common cooperation, it will open many more close connections in the future.

With up to 35,000 Vietnamese people living in Poland, this community is an important bridge between the two countries.

“I want to emphasize that Vietnamese people who come to Poland receive a lot of support. We appreciate the hard working spirit of Vietnamese people. They are highly respected in Poland thanks to their diligence, culture and openness to Poland," the Diplomat stated.

A local election was held recently and for the first time elected a Vietnamese woman to the local government in Warsaw (Poland). This proves the fact that, said Krystyna Radwan-Röhrenschef, Vietnamese people receive great trust from the people and local authorities.

Visiting Polish Diplomat Falls in Love with Vietnam
Vietnamese Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son (right) and Undersecretary of State at the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Anna Krystyna Radwan-Röhrenschef (left) on May 29 (Photo:
Receiving Undersecretary of State at the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Anna Krystyna Radwan-Röhrenschef on May 29, Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son affirmed that Vietnam highly values ​​and wishes to strengthen multifaceted cooperative relations with Poland. The two countries need to increase the exchange of delegations at all levels, especially high-level ones, to enhance political trust and mutual understanding. Son believed it will create a foundation to promote and expand cooperation in other fields.

Willingness to share experiences

Krystyna Radwan-Röhrenschef highlighted the goal to further promote economic cooperation, education, culture and people-to-people exchanges between the two countries in this working visit.

“Poland has extensive experience in transforming the economy and can share with Vietnam. We want to share our innovations and inventions in digitalization with Vietnam," she said.

Another potential field is cultural cooperation, alongside economics and innovation. Vietnamese people love Polish music, such as Chopin. She hopes that more Vietnamese people will come to Poland for both economic cooperation agreements and enjoying the cultural beauty of Poland.

“People from Poland are very interested in visiting Vietnam, to learn about the country, enjoy the majestic natural beauty, have wonderful holidays and experience the local cultures,” exclaimed Krystyna Radwan-Röhrenschef.

Poland aims to become a leading country in the European Union (EU) in the field of digitalization and has made a huge step forward in digitalization compared to other countries in the region. Also, Poland wants to spread this determination to Vietnam since digitalization is very welcomed here. With professional digitization services, Poland is ready to support Vietnam in this important field.

“Poland is more advanced in digitalization in civil services than other European countries. For example, when in Germany, I wanted to buy a box of matches, I had to pay in cash. But in Poland, you can buy a box of matches using just your phone. When you walk into a small convenience store, you can buy small things like peanuts using digital tools. I firmly believe that there will also be potential for cooperation between Poland and Vietnam in this field," said the Polish diplomat.

Visiting Polish Diplomat Falls in Love with Vietnam
Vietnamese and Polish delegates at the political consultation at the level of Deputy Foreign Ministers of Vietnam and Poland on May 30 in Hanoi (Photo:

On May 30, Deputy Foreign Minister Le Thi Thu Hang and Undersecretary of State at the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Anna Krystyna Radwan-Röhrenschef co-chaired the political consultation at the level of Deputy Foreign Ministers of Vietnam and Poland.

The meeting reviewed the situation of cooperation between the two countries in recent times. The two sides exchanged directions and measures to further promote traditional friendship and multifaceted cooperation, and discussed international and regional issues of common concern.

According to Krystyna Radwan-Röhrenschef, this visit to Vietnam can help her learn more deeply about the investment needs of Vietnamese businesses as well as opportunities for educational cooperation. Poland provides grants for Vietnamese education will be further promoted shortly through increased support for Vietnamese students in Poland. As a member of the EU, Poland will contribute to promoting cooperation between Vietnam and the EU in the coming time.

“Poland is considered one of the most successful economies in the world, the only country in the EU that has not had a single year of recession since 1992. Poland is ready to share development experiences with Vietnam," said Krystyna Radwan-Röhrenschef.

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