World Vision Cultivates Reading Culture for Primary School Students in Ho Chi Minh City

World Vision International in Viet Nam coordinated with two primary schools, Le Minh Xuan 3 Primary School and An Ha Primary School, to organize a children’s book festival. The "2024 book festival” has the theme "Books are Friends to make", has witnessed enthusiastic participation and a positive response from the community, including students, parents, and all teachers.
May 28, 2024 | 10:43

This book festival is part of the project Renovation of Libraries in Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City, aiming to support local schools in narrowing the educational gap between schools and districts by establishing student-friendly reading spaces.

Binh Chanh is located 15 km southwest of Ho Chi Minh City center. The district is facing a variety of challenges related to infrastructure, facility conditions, and a lack of investment in education, healthcare, and child protection. Due to rapid urbanization, and a high percentage of migrants, 35%, the District and schools are always in need of both improving infrastructure and the quality of education, especially the basic reading and writing skills of students which could be improved through the implementation of library renovation and related activities.

World Vision International in Viet Nam’s ultimate goal is to ensure every child has the opportunity to develop to their fullest potential, thus the organization is working with local partners in Binh Chanh district and the donors to develop a plan for improving the school’s library facilities and foster a reading culture.

World Vision Cultivates Reading Culture for Primary School Students in Ho Chi Minh City
In 2023, donors awarded over VND 2.4 billion for An Ha and Le Minh Xuan 3 primary schools to improve their library facilities and activities.

Pham Trung Huu, Principal of An Ha Primary School shared that “The 2024 Book Festival is a meaningful activity, as part of the library renovation plan that the schools and World Vision International in Viet Nam are implementing. The collaboration aims to enhance students' reading skills through access to quality libraries and engaging activities, which foster a reading culture among them.

World Vision Cultivates Reading Culture for Primary School Students in Ho Chi Minh City
Students at the Book Festival have also enjoyed a series of talented performances by their peers on the day.

In addition to library renovation, the project will provide a diversification of books and organize weekly reading sessions to nurture the reading habit among students. Libraries will be transformed into learning spaces with computer rooms and cyber safety training provided to teachers and students. Students will have opportunities to access high-quality libraries, improve their knowledge, enhance protection skills, and actively participate in school activities.

World Vision Cultivates Reading Culture for Primary School Students in Ho Chi Minh City
Students at Le Minh Xuan 3 Primary School and An Ha Primary School happily attend the Book Festival with the theme “Books are Friends to make”.

Nguyen Thi Yen Ha, Area Program Manager in Binh Chanh district, World Vision International in Vietnam, remarked "We are glad to see the enthusiastic participation of all students, parents, and teachers in this year’s Book Festival. We appreciate the collaboration of local partners, the two generous donors — KIS Viet Nam and KIM Viet Nam, as well as An Ha Primary School and Le Minh Xuan 3 Primary School, in the successful implementation of the project, which has resulted in efforts to ensure the children’s well-being.”

The Renovation of Libraries project is part of the Binh Chanh Urban Area Program by World Vision Viet Nam. Implemented in 2014 in three target communes of Le Minh Xuan, Pham Van Hai, and Tan Nhut, the World Vision area program has achieved statistically significant intervention effects.

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