August Revolution in the Eyes of International Friends

The August Revolution of 1945 is a shining milestone in Vietnam's history, symbolizing the Vietnamese people's just fight against foreign oppression and marking the beginning of a new era. As scholars explore Vietnam's history, their understanding and admiration for the Vietnamese people's success in their pursuit of national freedom grows.
August 19, 2024 | 12:26
Algerian press spotlights significance of August Revolution
HCM City praises overseas Vietnamese contributions

The 122 issues of the newspaper 'Viet Nam Doc Lap,' published by the Viet Minh Front between 1941 and 1945, have been translated into English by Norwegian historian Stein Tonnesson and his team. These translations are available on his personal website for international researchers. Tonnesson believes that analyzing 'Viet Nam Doc Lap' is crucial to comprehending President Ho Chi Minh's profound vision in propaganda, which played a significant role in the success of the August Revolution in 1945.

For Argentine journalist Jorge Tuero, discussing Vietnam means acknowledging a nation that has triumphed over various northern feudal dynasties, French colonialists along with the Foreign Legion, Japanese imperialists, and American imperialists.

August Revolution in the Eyes of International Friends
General Uprising at Hanoi Opera House Square, August 19, 1945. (Photo: VNA)

As a nation with a heroic history of enduring many wars, journalist Tuero greatly admires the Vietnamese people's consistent victories in defending their sovereignty. Consequently, the Argentine journalist has declared Vietnam to be a nation of peace.

He evaluated that the August Revolution concluded 80 years of French colonial dominance, dismantled the feudal system, and reasserted the independence of the Vietnamese nation. It dealt a devastating blow to colonialism, paving the path for global national liberation movements to achieve independence. The revolution was a masterful blend of political and armed struggles, which complemented each other and were adeptly adapted to each context.

Journalist Tuero asserts that the August Revolution stands as evidence of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Viet Minh Front's effective strategy and leadership.Thanks to the wise and talented leadership, making necessary decisions at the right time, combined with careful political and military preparation to ensure national unity, on the basis of the worker-peasant alliance, contributed to the victory of the Vietnamese people, giving birth to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam on September 2, 1945.

August Revolution in the Eyes of International Friends
The Provisional Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam was formed following the successful August Revolution. (Photo: VNA)

Professor Vladimir Kolotov, who heads the Ho Chi Minh Institute in the Russian Federation, observed that the August Revolution stands as a quintessential model for colonies under oppression seeking freedom from foreign domination. In his research, he highlighted that President Ho Chi Minh conducted a thorough analysis of revolutions worldwide, both triumphs and failures, to extract valuable insights. Following this, he skillfully tailored the political doctrines of the Communist International to align with the unique context of Vietnam.

The August Revolution's success has garnered attention from French scholars and historians. Historian Alain Ruscio, who has dedicated over 30 years to the study of Vietnamese history, has authored at least 15 works on Vietnam's history, its wars of resistance, and particularly the August Revolution of 1945. He states, “The 1945 victory in Vietnam was not just an unexpected event; it was a logical outcome in the continuum of the Vietnamese people's resistance. The triumph of the August Revolution in 1945 exerted a profound impact on the global independence movements of colonized nations at the time, notably those in Africa.”

Journalist Gérard Arcelin from France devoted considerable time to studying Vietnam's history, particularly the Vietnamese August Revolution of 1945. He stated, "The August Revolution in 1945, led by the Communist Party of Vietnam and President Ho Chi Minh, was a success and held significant importance in granting independence and freedom to the Vietnamese people. They became sovereigns of their nation and architects of their fate. Furthermore, the triumph of Vietnam's August Revolution in 1945 also influenced numerous other colonial nations globally."

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