Chinese Friendship Ambassadors Foster Enduring Vietnam-China Ties

Party General Secretary and State President To Lam expressed his belief that each delegate will continue to foster the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership and shared future community between Vietnam and China.
August 20, 2024 | 08:27
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Party General Secretary and State President To Lam on Sunday afternoon met with representatives from Chinese scholars, families of revolutionary generals, experts, and advisors who had assisted Vietnm during its resistance wars, as well as officials and staff involved in preserving historical sites related to the Vietnamese revolution.

Chinese Friendship Ambassadors Foster Enduring Vietnam-China Ties
General Secretary and President To Lam, together with Chinese Friendship Ambassadors. Photo: VNA

The meeting also included prominent Chinese intellectuals, scholars, researchers on Vietnam, former Chinese ambassadors to Vietnam and Chinese youth representatives.

This was part of the top leader’s State visit to China while he was in in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province.

The Chinese delegates shared emotional memories of President Ho Chi Minh during his time in China, recalling the days spent alongside Vietnamese war veterans and discussed efforts to preserve, maintain and promote Vietnam’s revolutionary historical sites in China.

Huang Kunming, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangdong province, expressed his sincere gratitude to General Secretary and President To Lam for his special affection for Guangdong. He affirmed that the people of Guangdong will continue to inherit and promote the tradition of friendship between the two countries. The Vietnam-China friendship, cultivated by President Ho Chi Minh and Chairman Mao Zedong and nurtured by generations of leaders and people of both countries, is an invaluable common asset of the two Parties, two States, and two peoples.

Chinese Friendship Ambassadors Foster Enduring Vietnam-China Ties
General Secretary and President To Lam, together with Chinese Friendship Ambassadors.

General Secretary and President To Lam affirmed that the Party, State and people of Vietnam always cherish and are grateful for the valuable support and assistance from the Chinese Party, State and people for the Vietnamese people's revolutionary cause in the past, as well as in the current development and construction of the country.

He expressed his belief that each delegate will continue to foster the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership and shared future community between Vietnam and China.

Guangzhou was the place where President Ho Chi Minh conducted Vietnamese revolutionary activities. The history of the joint struggle between the revolutionaries of the two countries, Vietnam and China, is a shining example in the world's proletarian revolutionary struggle, laying a solid foundation for the Vietnam-China friendship.

General Secretary and President To Lam expressed sincere gratitude to the Communist Party of China, the Chinese government, the Guangdong Party Committee, and the Guangdong provincial government for their care in preserving and protecting the relic site of the Vietnam Revolutionary Youth League, and the tomb of Martyr Pham Hong Thai, symbols of the traditional friendship, solidarity, and closeness between the two Parties, two States, and the two peoples of Vietnam and China.

Chinese Friendship Ambassadors Foster Enduring Vietnam-China Ties
At the event, Photo: VNA

General Secretary and President To Lam affirmed that the Party, State and People of Vietnam always appreciate the valuable support and assistance of the Party, State and People of China for the revolutionary cause of the Vietnamese people in the past, as well as in the cause of national construction and development at present.

The meeting was co-organized by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the Viet Nam Union of Friendship Organizations, and the Vietnamese Consulate General in Guangzhou.

General Secretary and President To Lam, his wife and the high-ranking delegation of Vietnam arrived in Beijing on Sunday evening, continuing their state visit to China from August 18-20.

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