HUFO helps France, Cuba cope with COVID-19

Vuong Duc Hoang Quan, President of the Ho Chi Minh City Union of Friendship Organizations (HUFO), on April 28 presented over 23,000 antibacterial masks and medical masks, along with 100 litres of disinfectant solution to Vincent Floreani, the French Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City.
April 30, 2020 | 07:23
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hufo helps france cuba cope with covid 19
Vincent Floreani, the French Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City received the donations. Photo: HUFO

The package was donated by HUFO together with the city's Vietnam Friendship Association - France, the Friendship Association's chapters in Pham Ngoc Thach Medical University and Children's Hospital 2 as well as HCM city Medical Association and some donors.

Grateful for the beautiful gesture of Vietnam and the HCM city's Vietnam - France Friendship Association, French Consul General in HCM city Vincent Floreani affirmed these extremely precious assistances will contribute to tightening the friendship and solidarity between Vietnam and the people of France amid the the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

According to Quan, the HUFO will continue to co-ordinate efforts alongside relevant agencies to provide financial support and donate medical supplies and equipment in the near future to the diplomatic missions, international communities living, working and studying in the city to help them overcome COVID-19 challenges.

The HUFO also granted funding on April 29 to support Cuban citizens in the southern city in lessening the impact of COVID-19.

The funding was handed over to Indira Lopez Arguelles, Consul General of the Republic of Cuba in HCM city, by HUFO Vice President Nguyen Van Manh along with Truong Thi Hien, President of the city's Vietnam-Cuba Friendship Association.

Speaking at the function, Arguelles expressed her profound gratitude to the fine sentiment displayed by the people of HCM city for Cuban citizens, affirming that the gift serves as significant encouragement for Cuban people as they attempt to get through the challenging period.

The funding comes after the HUFO, in collaboration with the city's Vietnam-India Friendship Association and the Indian Business Chamber in Vietnam, donated 5,000 medical masks and 500 bottles of hand sanitiser to Cao Ba Quat Primary School in Phu Nhuan district to contribute to COVID-19 prevention activities.

The HUFO on April 24 has already presented 10,000 face masks and 100 litres of antiseptic solution to Thailand’s Consulate General as a way of supporting Thai people fight COVID-19./.

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Hannah Nguyen