Over 20 Vietnamese Scientists Listed Among World Top 100,000

Nearly 30 Vietnamese scientists working domestically and abroad have been named in the list of the world's top 100,000 most-cited researchers in all fields of science.
October 26, 2021 | 22:58
28 Vietnamese Scientists Listed Among World Top 100,000
Prof. Dr. Bui Tien Dieu, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Hung, Asso. Prof. Dr. Le Hoang Son, Prof. Dr. Vo Xuan Vinh, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dinh Duc. (from top left to right). Photo: laodong.vn

Several Vietnamese have been named in the list of the world’s top 10,000 scientists, which was recently released by the U.S.’s PLOS Biology Journal, Vietnamnet reported Tuesday.

The list, published recently in the PLoS Biology Journal, was compiled by the Metrics group of professors Jeroen Baas, Kevin Boyack and John P.A. Ioannidis from Stanford University (USA).

The ranking uses Scopus's database from 1960 to August 2021 to filter out the top 100,000 most influential out of more than 7 million scientists.

Accordingly, 146 scientists work in Vietnam, including 29 who are Vietnamese.

28 Vietnamese Scientists Listed Among World Top 100,000
Vietnamese scientists working in Vietnam are named in the list of 100,000 most influential scientists in the world in 2021. Source: Vietnamnet

Five Vietnamese have been named in the list of the world’s top 10,000 scientists, which include Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dinh Duc from Vietnam National University (VNU) – Hanoi who ranked 5,949th globally and 96th in the engineering field; Asso. Prof. Dr. Le Hoang Son from VNU-Hanoi at the 6,766th place, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Hung from Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology at 6,818th; Prof. Dr. Bui Tien Dieu from Duy Tan University at 9,488th, and Prof. Dr. Vo Xuan Vinh from University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City at 9,528th.

Among them, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dinh Duc, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Hung and Asso. Prof Dr. Le Hoang Son were named in the list for three consecutive years from 2019 to 2021.

Several Vietnamese scientists working abroad were also present in the ranking, including Prof. Dam Thanh Son (U.S.), at the 7,302nd place; Asso. Prof. Bui Quoc Tinh (Japan), at 9,640th; and Prof. Ngo Duc Tuan (Australia) at 10,652nd.

Compiled by Prof. Jeroen Baas, Kevin Boyack and John P.A. Ioannidis from the U.S.’s Stanford University, the ranking is based on six citation metrics, including composite score, total citation, Hirsch h-index; co-authorship-adjusted Schreiber hm-index; number of citations to papers as single author; number of citations to papers as single or first author; and number of citations to papers as single, first, or last author.

The honorees are divided into 22 scientific fields and 176 majors.

Over 20 Vietnamese Scientists Listed Among World Top 100,000
Professor Nguyen Dinh Duc from Vietnam National University-Hanoi. Photo: Vietnam National University-Hanoi

This year, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dinh Duc from Vietnam National University-Hanoi again takes the lead among the Vietnamese scientists, ranking 5,949th in the world and 96th in the field of engineering.

He has published about 200 international and national articles as well as many scientific works (including more 120 research papers in international journals and international conference proceedings, about 80 articles in ISI listed journals). Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dinh Duc also owned the Diplom of Invention on The law-behavior of mechanical characteristic for three-phase composite 3Dm reinforced by spherical particles (in Russia, 1999) and Patent about polyme nanocomposite reinforced by glass fibers and nano titanium dioxide particles (in Vietnam, 2016).

Moreover, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dinh Duc has successfully built up the research group, established the modern laboratory and carried out the engineering program in areas of advanced materials and structures at Vietnam National University, participated in training processes for talented PhD and young scientists in the field of Mechanics, Engineering Mechanics and Civil Engineering.

He has been a referee for more than 35 international prestigious scientific journals such as Composite Structures, International journal of Mechanical Sciences, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Journal of Computational Materials Sciences, Journal of Composite Materials, Journal of Vibration and Control, Journal of Composite Part B: Engineering and so on.

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dinh Duc has participated in the organizing committee and scientific committee as well as been an invited speaker of many large national or international scientific conferences.

Over 20 Vietnamese Scientists Listed Among World Top 100,000
Asso. Prof Dr. Le Hoang Son (left) was named in the list for three consecutive years from 2019 to 2021.

Also from Vietnam National University-Hanoi, Asso. Prof Dr. Le Hoang Son obtained the PhD degree on Mathematics – Informatics at VNU University of Science, Vietnam National University (VNU) in conjunction with the Politecnico di Milano University, Italy in 2013. He has been promoted to Associate Professor in Information Technology in Vietnam since 2017.

He worked as senior researcher and Vice Director at the Center for High Performance Computing, VNU University of Science, Vietnam National University during 2007 - 2018. From August 2018, he is Head of Department of Multimedia and Virtual Reality, VNU Information Technology Institute, VNU.

His major fields include Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Soft Computing, Fuzzy Computing, Fuzzy Recommender Systems, and Geographic Information System. He is a member of International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT), Vietnam Society for Applications of Mathematics (Vietsam), and Key Laboratory of Geotechnical Engineering and Artificial Intelligence in University of Transport Technology (Vietnam).

Dr. Son serves as Editorial Board of Applied Soft Computing (ASOC, in SCIE), International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI, in SCOPUS), and Vietnam Journal of Computer Science and Cybernetics (JCC). He is an Associate Editor of Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems (JIFS, in SCIE), IEEE Access (in SCIE), Neutrosophic Sets and Systems (NSS), Vietnam Research and Development on Information and Communication Technology (RD-ICT), VNU Journal of Science: Computer Science and Communication Engineering (JCSCE), and Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence.

28 Vietnamese Scientists Listed Among World Top 100,000
Dr. Thai-Ha Le is the Director of Research and a Senior Faculty member of Fulbright School of Public Policy and Management, Fulbright University Vietnam. Photo: Fulbright School

Dr. Le Thai Ha, 33 years old, is Director of Research and a Senior Faculty member of Fulbright School of Public Policy and Management, Fulbright University Vietnam. She ranked 74,063 in the list.

She holds Bachelor of Arts (Hons) and PhD in Economics from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore where she completed her PhD study within two years. Prior to joining Fulbright University Vietnam, Dr. Le worked at RMIT University Vietnam as a tenured Senior Lecturer for 7 years. Her primary research fields include Energy Economics, Environmental Economics and Applied Economics.

Dr. Le is an active researcher who has published about 30 scholarly research articles in international and peer reviewed journals including many in top-field journals. She has consulted for Asian Development Bank (ADB) Headquarters, ADB Institute and Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA).

Dr. Le is also a recipient of multiple competitive research grants and fellowships such as The Pacific Trade and Development (PAFTAD) Fellowship for Young Scholars in 2013, the Public Diplomacy Federal Assistance Award by The U.S. Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam's Public Affairs Section in 2018 and the National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) funds for research in social sciences and humanities in 2019 as the principal investigator.

She holds several editorial roles including being an Associate Editor for Journal of Economic Development, sponsored by National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), an Assistant Editor for Singapore Economic Review, one of the oldest and most respected economics journals in the Asia-Pacific region and an Editorial Board member for "Springer New Monograph Series, New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives" by Springer Nature.

Over 20 Vietnamese Scientists Listed Among World Top 100,000
Asso. Prof. Bui Quoc Tinh.

Also present in the ranking, Asso. Prof. Bui Quoc Tinh, works at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environment, Tokyo University of Technology, Japan. He was also the first Vietnamese to receive "the 2018 JACM Young Investigator Award" of the Japan Computational Mechanics Association (JACM).

The computational mechanics prize honored scientists less than 40 years old who had outstanding research achievements.

Asso. Prof. Tinh is the author and co-author of 117 scientific works published in international prestigious magazines under the ISI system. He held a doctorate degree in engineering from the Vienna University of Technology, Austria in 2009, worked in Belgium, Austria, France and Germany for many years. He has been teaching in Japan since 2014 so far.

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