Summer International Volunteer Exchange Program Take Places in Quang Ngai

The People's Committee of Quang Ngai province has just issued Decision No. 755/QD-UBND approving the sponsor of Putney Student Travel Organization (USA) for the 2024 Summer International Volunteer Exchange Program in Quang Ngai province to strengthen friendship and mutual understanding between American students and Quang Ngai youth.
July 03, 2024 | 10:34
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The 2024 summer international volunteer exchange program in Quang Ngai province, sponsored by Putney Student Travel Organization (USA), has a total amount of VND 426 million (equivalent to US$17,040). It will be implemented in July 2024 in the Duc Chanh commune (Mo Duc district), Pho Chau commune (Duc Pho town), Ly Son district (Quang Ngai province).

(Photo: Kim Ngan/
(Photo: Kim Ngan/

The program creates the opportunity for Quang Ngai youth and American students to exchange and learn about each other's cultures. It aims to create a healthy and rewarding playground through volunteer activities, contributing to strengthening the friendship and mutual understanding between the two sides.

The main activities include providing the financial support and participants for volunteer activities to build 06 compassionate houses for poor and disadvantaged families in Duc Chanh commune, Mo Duc district (03 houses) and Pho Chau commune, Duc Pho town (03 houses). Each house is worth VND 60,000,000/house.

There are also exchange activities and meetings with local children and people such as English class for children in Mo Duc and Duc Pho districts. The participants will also visit tourist destinations, landmarks, and historical relics of Quang Ngai province to learn about the local culture. Also, cultural and artistic exchange between Quang Ngai youth and American volunteer students will help strengthen the friendship and solidarity between Quang Ngai youth and international youth.

The People's Committee of Quang Ngai province assigned the Vietnam Youth Union of the province to chair and coordinate with sponsors, relevant agencies and units to organize the implementation of the approved Program to ensure the achievement of goals and results of the project. The provincial Vietnam Youth Union also will manage the content of activities to ensure compliance with the provisions of Vietnamese law and commitments and agreements with Sponsors.

The provincial Vietnam Youth Union is assigned to coordinate with the Vietnam Youth Union of districts and towns in Mo Duc, Duc Pho, Ly Son, local authorities and branches and organizations to implement the program locally to reach the program's goals. The status of construction of 06 charity houses and organize handover to households in Duc Chanh commune, Mo Duc district and Pho Chau commune, Duc Pho town, as well as the exchange activities, sightseeing programs need to be monitored.

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Fanasy Nguyen Le