US arms sales allegedly surge for Taiwan but it just "media speculation"
11:08 | 17/09/2020
Industry sources reveals that Taiwan sets to receive as many as seven major weapon systems from the US, in the context of the Trump administration is putting more pressure on Beijing.

China defiantly shows off new bomber in Bien Dong Sea (South China Sea) drills 1
12:48 | 02/08/2020
Global Times said that China has new bomber debuts with the H-6J bomber being firstly introduced by the Chinese military to join in a high-intensity exercise over Bien Dong Sea or East Sea (internationally known as the South China Sea).

US sending important messages to deter aggressive China in the East Sea (South China Sea)
11:53 | 17/06/2020
The situation in the East Sea is extremely tense when the world's two superpowers the United States and China continuously make more and more assertive moves.

U.S. military commander warns against China's pushing territorial claims under cover of coronavirus
08:49 | 06/06/2020
China is using the coronavirus as a cover to push territorial claims in the South China Sea through a surge in naval activity meant to intimidate other countries that claim the waters, the commander of U.S. Forces in Japan said on Friday, according to the Reuters.

China deploys 2 aircraft carriers while the US's two Air Force B-1B Lancer bombers flying over the East Sea 1
08:57 | 28/05/2020
Two Chinese (PLAN) aircraft carriers are preparing to conduct a set of provocative war games in the contested waters, near the Taiwan-claimed Pratas Islands, also known as the Dongsha Islands while two Air Force B-1B Lancer bombers flew over the Bien Dong Sea -East Sea (called South China Sea) on Tuesday, the latest in an increasing number of U.S. military demonstrations in the region.

China and India's border disputes threat to escalate conflicts through Asia
10:20 | 27/05/2020
The two sides have not fired a bullet since 1975, but small-scale clashes have escalated in recent weeks. Beijing and New Delhi both said to be in contact over the situation via diplomatic channels but the two sides have continued to engage in hostile rhetoric over a decades-old dispute they threatened to revitalize.

U.S. Sends Warships on Patrol Near East Sea Standoff amid rising tensions
09:46 | 11/05/2020
The U.S. Navy sent a pair of ships to patrol in the vicinity of a mineral rights dispute between Malaysia and China in the South China Sea (Vietnam called the East Sea - BienDong) for the second time in a month while tensions are expected to rise in the South China Sea after Beijing's annual summer ban on fishing in the disputed waters drew protests from rival claimants.

Vietnam resolutely defends its sovereignty over sea and island abidingly followed by international law
09:02 | 10/05/2020
China’s ill actions in the East Sea have violated the sovereignty, sovereign rights, and jurisdiction of Vietnam and other countries and restricted freedom of aviation, navigation, and economic activities there. In the face of China’s bullying, Vietnam has been persistent and uncompromising in defending its national sovereignty against China’s aggression.
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