Vietnam News Today (Jan. 13): Sanguine Economic Outlook For Vietnam Ahead in 2024

Vietnam News Today (Jan. 13): Sanguine Economic Outlook For Vietnam Ahead in 2024

Vietnam News Today (Jan. 13): PM to highlight Vietnam’s ideas, commitments in sustainable development at WEF-54; Sanguine economic outlook for Vietnam ahead in 2024; Vietnam, Japan hold environmental policy dialogue; Hanoi named as Best Food Destination for 2024.
New policy in Vietnam on management and use of ODA and preferential loans

New policy in Vietnam on management and use of ODA and preferential loans

Decree No. 56/2020/ND-CP on management and use of official development assistance (ODA) and preferential loans of foreign sponsors has just been issued by the Government on May 25, 2020. 
Vietnam approves e-visa application from 80 countries from July

Vietnam approves e-visa application from 80 countries from July

Vietnam approves e-visa applications from 80 countries, in accordance with the Government’s Decree No. 79/NQ-CP, which comes into effect from the beginning of July.  
New Policy: Vietnam releases amendments of regulations on intellectural property measures

New Policy: Vietnam releases amendments of regulations on intellectural property measures

Circular No. 13/2020/TT-BTC is designed to overcome shortcomings in protecting intellectual property rights at the border during implementation, concurrently amending and supplementing regulations to facilitate the right holder or the lawfully authorized person and the inspection, supervision, and control units. New regulations, the competence of the customs office to handle counterfeit goods and goods infringing intellectual property rights is also specified. 
New policy in Vietnam: Exemption and reduction of evaluation fees for postal activities

New policy in Vietnam: Exemption and reduction of evaluation fees for postal activities

On April 14, 2020, the Ministry of Finance issued Circular No. 25/2020/TT-BTC on the collection, remittance, management and use of evaluation fees for postal activities.
New Policies in Vietnam: Death convict suspended the execusion after three failed lethal injections

New Policies in Vietnam: Death convict suspended the execusion after three failed lethal injections

New Policies in Vietnam: Based on No 43/2020/NĐ-CP Decree validating from April 15, convicts who are condemned to death realized alive after 10 minutes of execution will continue to be penalized a standby injection; and after 10 minutes of the third one considered failure, the convict's dead sentence will be suspended temporarily.
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