Vietnam And Kyushu (Japan) Strengthen People-to-people Exchanges

Cooperation and exchange between Vietnamese and Japanese localities, and Kyushu particularly, have developed strongly. Localities of both sides signed many documents to promote friendly relations and cooperation in investment promotion, agriculture, human resource training, eco-industry, and environment.
October 11, 2023 | 10:08
Vietnam And Kyushu (Japan) Strengthen People-to-people Exchanges
Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Head of the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs Le Thi Thu Hang at the event. Photo: WVR

The opening ceremony of the second overseas Vietnamese economic forum - Connecting localities and businesses between Vietnam and Kyushu: Substance - Effectiveness - Sustainability recently took place at the Fukuoka International Congress Center, Japan

The forum was organized by the Consulate General of Vietnam in Fukuoka and the Kyushu Economic Federation on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Japan (1973-2023).

The event aims to promote cooperation between localities, Vietnamese businesses, Vietnamese entrepreneurs globally, and Kyushu in fields where the two sides have complementary potentials and strengths.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Head of the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs Le Thi Thu Hang appreciated the initiative to organize the forum of the Vietnamese Consulate General in Fukuoka.

This is a practical and meaningful event to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Japan, a relationship that is developing strongly and comprehensively in all fields.

Deputy Minister Le Thi Thu Hang emphasized that promoting comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Japan, and with Kyushu particularly, is not just about exchanging goods, attracting investment, transferring technology, or cultural exchange, but also through all forms of cooperation, applying Kyushu's development directions to Vietnamese localities in many cases.

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs expressed her hope that Vietnam and Japan, and Vietnam-Kyushu in particular will become models of partnership.

This relationship develops on the basis of effective implementation of frameworks and projects on investment-trade cooperation, high-tech agriculture, labor, human resource training, response to climate change, green growth, new generation ODA, strategic infrastructure, ensuring food security, and energy transition. transition.

With complementary advantages, Vietnam has been and will be part of the solution to the growth engine of the Japanese and Kyushu economies.

In particular, the Vietnamese community abroad with nearly six million overseas Vietnamese living, working, and studying in over 130 countries and territories, including many successful businessmen and intellectuals, are important resources for Vietnam's development, and also potential partners for businesses in Japan and all over the world.

Vietnam And Kyushu (Japan) Strengthen People-to-people Exchanges
Vietnamese businesses, business associations, overseas Vietnamese and Japanese people signed a Memorandum of Cooperation. Photo: VOV

Speaking at the event, Hattori Seitaro, governor of Fukuoka Prefecture, said that the forum is a positive contribution to the exchange, connection, and development of Fukuoka after the Covid-19 pandemic.

Seitaro said that Fukuoka businesses are interested in the Vietnamese market. According to a survey conducted by the prefecture's investment promotion agency, Vietnam ranks second among foreign markets that Fukuoka businesses are interested in and want to seek investment opportunities.

Governor Hattori Seitaro hopes that the forum will be an opportunity for businesses from Vietnam and Kyoto to connect and seek cooperation opportunities so that Vietnam's investment in Kyushu will increase and vice versa.

At the plenary session, under the direction of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Le Thi Thu Hang and Vietnamese Consul General in Fukuoka Vu Chi Mai, Vietnamese localities and provinces in the Kyushu region presented and discussed their potential, strengths, and desire for cooperation.

The delegates' presentations highlighted the great potential and scope for cooperation between Vietnam and the Kyushu Prefecture, especially in areas where the two sides have complementary strengths such as human resources, healthcare, education, tourism, technology transfer in agriculture, forestry, fishery, electronics, import and export of goods.

Vietnamese businesses, associations, overseas Vietnamese, and Japanese signed six Memorandums of Cooperation in the fields of export and distribution of agricultural products, food and wood products, tourism, training, human resource development, and social enterprises.

Cooperation and exchange between Vietnamese and Japanese localities, and Kyushu particularly, have developed strongly. Localities of both sides signed many documents to promote friendly relations and cooperation in investment promotion, agriculture, human resource training, eco-industry, and environment.

Cultural cooperation and people-to-people exchanges with the Kyushu region are increasingly developing. The direct flight connecting Hanoi-Fukuoka is one of the most dynamic routes in the region.

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