Vietnam Peace Committee affirms support for anti-nuclear weapons movement

The Vietnam Peace Committee (VPC) always supports movement against nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction, affirming solidarity and support for victims of atomic weapons, victims of Agent Orange (AO) and victims of other war crimes.
November 20, 2019 | 09:37
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vietnam peace committee affirms support for anti nuclear weapons movement
At the meeting. Photo: VNF

VPC Vice Chairman Nguyen Van Huynh on November 18 received a delegation from the Japan Council against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs (Gensuikyo) in Hanoi.

At the meeting, Huynh briefed the guests on Vietnam’s achievements in all fields, especially external relations, stressing that Vietnam ratificated the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons on May 17, 2018, becoming the 10th country ratifying the document.

He expressed his gratitude for the effective assistance Gensuikyo and Japanese people has provided for Vietnam in the cause of national liberation, reunification, building and development; affirming that Vietnam has always been consistent with its anti-nuclear weapons policy and was one of the first countries to support, sign and ratify the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

The council and the World Conference against A & H Bombs has also supported Vietnam, especially in issues related to AO victims, Huynh added.

Regarding Vietnam’s efforts to promote peace and solidarity, Huynh noted that over the years, Vietnam has joined many peace and friendship organisations in the world such as the Organisation of Solidarity with the People of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Meanwhile, the VPC has held various activities such as international conferences and commemorations in the field.

Vietnam has supported the Gensuikyo since it was established in September, 1955 following the first World Conference against A & H Bombs in August the same year. President Ho Chi Minh was one of the first State leaders to send congratulations to the council and the World Conference against A & H Bombs.

Each year, the VPC, and the Vietnam AO/dioxin Victims’ Association (VAVA) in recent years, have sent delegations to the World Conference against A & H Bombs.

Also, the so-called "Peace Wave" movement was carried about several times, culminating in the "Peace Wave to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombing" in 1995, and the "Appeal" signature campaign was conducted in more than 60 countries in all continents, including Vietnam.

Vietnam will continue fighting for a world without nuclear weapons, and for justice for the Vietnamese victims of AO/dioxin, Huynh added.

For his part, Gensuikyo Director Hiroshi Taka said that members of the delegation actively engaged in opposing the war in Vietnam in the past as well as present campaign to support peace in the world.

This time in Vietnam, apart from spreading information about the destructive consequences caused by nuclear weapons, the delegation is also collecting signatures calling for a total ban on nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction.

He expressed his hope that VPC support their campaign collecting signatures in Vietnam.

Gensuikyo will visit the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) in New York and hand over a symbolic signature of the appeal for a total ban on nuclear weapons in 2020.

"Gensuikyo delegations have been coming to New York to follow the First Committee debate on disarmament issues where we dialogue with delegates of Member States to promote the adoption of resolutions seeking the elimination of nuclear weapons," Taka said.

As of 1 October 2019, 33 states have ratified the NPT. Once ratified by 50 countries, it will enter in force. Gensuikyo hopes that the 2020 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) would achieve substantial progress toward nuclear disarmament.

Bearing serious consequences of nuclear weapons, Gensuikyo’s delegates understand the dire consequences of AO/dioxin on the human and environment, he said, affirming that they will raise voice to bring justice for Vietnamese victims of AO/Dioxin, and calling for Japanese people, as well as international friends, to support victims of the war-time toxin.

Earlier, on the same day, Vice President of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO) Bach Ngoc Chien also received peace activists of Gensuikyo./.

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