Vietnam, South Africa Strengthen Scholarships, Exchange Programs

Vietnam and South Africa cooperates over exchange students, building more ties between the two nations.
June 14, 2023 | 14:44
Deputy Minister Nguyen Van Phuc, Deputy Minister Kgwaridi Buti Manamela and members of the two sides. Photo:
Deputy Minister Nguyen Van Phuc, Deputy Minister Kgwaridi Buti Manamela, and members of the two sides. Photo:

Vietnam and South Africa work to create practical conditions for students to earn scholarships in fields in which each countries' key strengths.

This is the proposal of Deputy Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Van Phuc at the meeting with South African Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation Kgwaridi Buti Manamela on June 12 in Hanoi.

Deputy Minister Phuc suggested that the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training and the South African Ministry of Education, Science, and Innovation soon promote the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in education and training.

South Africa has strengths in exploration, mining, health, and pharmacy. Simultaneously, South Africa can research the possibility of cooperation in the development of English in the Vietnamese education system.

The two sides continued to discuss the implementation of the scholarship program between the two Governments; to promote cooperation and exchange between higher education institutions of the two countries.

Sharing some general information about Vietnam's education and training system, Deputy Minister Phuc said that Vietnam is implementing fundamental and comprehensive reform in education while looking for potential areas of cooperation, especially higher education with the region and the world.

Vietnamese universities have been regularly present in the world university rankings.

The country is also developing at a fast rate, so it requires high-quality resources, contributing to national industrialization and modernization. Therefore, the Vietnamese side always considers education and training as one of important goals in cooperation activities and should continue to be promoted in the coming time.

Deputy Minister Kgwaridi Buti Manamela expressed his wish that education cooperation between Vietnam and South Africa would be enhanced. Many South African students have the opportunity to study in Vietnam as well as vice versa.

The two sides will also enhance exchange and experience sharing in the fields of education and training such as English language teaching, educational innovation, university autonomy, and scientific research.

He believes that cooperation in the field of education and training between the two sides will become more and more in-depth, practical, and effective in the coming time.

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