Vietnam Trade Union Gives Gifts to Members and Workers in Storm and Flood-hit Northern Provinces

On September 14 and 15, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor dispatched five working groups to areas impacted by Storm Yagi (Storm No. 3) and aftermath floods to assist union members and workers. The Trade Union organization extended care, solidarity, and motivation to businesses disrupted by the adverse weather, urging a swift resumption of production to secure employment and income for the workforce.
September 17, 2024 | 14:26
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On September 14, Nguyen Dinh Khang, President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, accompanied by his delegation, visited and presented gifts to union members and workers impacted by storm No. 3 in Ha Giang City and Bac Me District.

As reported by the Ha Giang People's Committee leaders, by September 11, Ha Giang province experienced two fatalities and disappearances, 1,200 houses impacted with 82 completely destroyed, and close to 2,000 hectares of rice and crops damaged. The estimated losses exceed 100 billion VND and are expected to rise. Since early 2024, flood-related damages in Ha Giang have surpassed 900 billion VND.

Vietnam Trade Union Gives Gifts to Members and Workers in Flood-hit Northern Provinces
Nguyen Dinh Khang, President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, visited and gave gifts to Nong Van Thanh's family, whose home was impacted by natural disasters in Bac Me district. (Photo: T.L).

Nguyen Dinh Khang, President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, expressed his sympathy for the loss of life and property that Ha Giang province suffered due to the natural disasters. He also commended the province's diligent and proactive response to storms and floods, which helped to minimize human casualties.

During an event attended by Nguyen Dinh Khang, President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, the Union of Bank Workers donated 500 million VND to Ha Giang's Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee, aiding those impacted by the natural disasters.

In the afternoon of the same day, President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Nguyen Dinh Khang and the delegation visited, encouraged, and presented gifts to union members and workers whose houses were affected by the storm and flood in Bac Me district. During the meeting, representatives of the Golden Heart Fund presented 500 million VND to Bac Me district to help people affected by the natural disasters.

On the afternoon of September 15 in Hanoi, Ngo Duy Hieu, Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, visited Nam Phuong Tien commune (Chuong My, Hanoi) to assess the flood damage and offer support to the local union members and workers.

In a report to the working group, Nguyen Hop Tien, Chairman of the Chuong My District Labor Federation, stated that the district experienced one fatality and one injury, who is currently receiving hospital treatment. 4,885 households and 22,161 individuals were impacted. Among these, approximately 200 households belongs to union members and workers. Following the guidance of the Hanoi Labor Federation, the district's Labor Federation is actively assessing and providing immediate assistance to union members and workers affected by storm No. 3.

Vietnam Trade Union Gives Gifts to Members and Workers in Flood-hit Northern Provinces
Leaders of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor presented a plaque of support worth 200 million VND to union members and workers in Chuong My district affected by storm No. 3 (Photo: T.L).

After understanding the situation, Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Ngo Duy Hieu expressed empathy for Chuong My district's losses and the difficulties that its people are experiencing. Faced with the severe impacts of storm No. 3, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor decided to send 1 billion VND to support union members and workers in Hanoi. Among those, 200 million VND will be used to support union members and workers in Chuong My district.

At the program, Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Ngo Duy Hieu directly visited, encouraged and sent gift to 5 union members and workers in Chuong My affected by the storm and flood. Each person received an 3 million VND and 1 gift bag. Nam Phuong Tien Commune Labor Confederation was supported with 10 million VND.

On September 14 in Quang Ninh, a delegation headed by Thai Thu Xuong, Permanent Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, donated 1 billion VND to union members and workers affected by storm No. 3. In Quang Yen, Quang Ninh towns, the delegation provided gifts to two families facing hardships, with each household receiving 2 million VND. They also offered 10 million VND to union members and workers at a company that incurred significant damage from the storm.

Upon assessing the damage, Thai Thu Xuong discussed the challenges faced by the families of union members and workers, urging the Quang Ninh Provincial Federation of Labor to promptly initiate the building of union shelters for these families. She emphasized that this action represents just the beginning of the support needed. The provincial, town, and company unions must persist in their assistance to ensure these families can quickly return to a stable life.

Vietnam Trade Union Gives Gifts to Members and Workers in Flood-hit Northern Provinces
Thai Thu Xuong, the Permanent Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, donated 2 million VND to worker Vu Thi Tham', along with gifts from the grassroots union. (Photo: T.L).

The delegation visited and had a working session at Jinko Solar Vietnam Industrial Co., Ltd. (in Song Khoai Industrial Park, Quang Yen Town). According to the company's report, storm No. 3 caused heavy damage to the company. The company employs over 4,000 workers, with many jobs on hold due to damaged equipment.

Embodying the spirit of solidarity and comprehension, the Permanent Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, Thai Thu Xuong, expresses her hope that the company will expedite the repair and recovery from damage to promptly resume production. She emphasizes the importance of attending to the workers' well-being under any circumstances. By motivating each worker to persevere through challenges, Thai Thu Xuong reassures that the trade union will consistently support the workers, enabling them to contribute to both the growth of the enterprise and their family's economic stability.

On September 14 in Cao Bang, a delegation from the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, headed by Vice President Huynh Thanh Xuan, visited and distributed gifts to support union members, workers, and civil servants affected by storm No. 3. According to the report of the provincial leaders, due to the impact of storm No. 3, Cao Bang province had 52 deaths, 15 injuries, 5 missing people (including 2 teachers who died due to landslides in Nguyen Binh district). 1,740 houses were damaged, 1,885.2 hectares of rice and crops were flooded, collapsed, buried; 2,621 points on national highways, provincial roads, district roads, and commune roads were blocked due to landslides and floods. The estimated property damage was about 110 billion VND. Of which, 474 union members and their families suffered property and crop damage; 65 union members suffered severe damage to their homes, with total estimated damage of over 18 billion VND.

Vietnam Trade Union Gives Gifts to Members and Workers in Flood-hit Northern Provinces
Vice President Huynh Thanh Xuan of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor (right cover) paid a visit to the family of a victim who perished in the natural disaster. (Photo: T.L).

Expressing solidarity with union members and their families, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor donated 500 million VND to support union members and workers in Cao Bang province who have suffered losses. The Golden Heart Fund contributed 300 million VND to aid the province's recovery from the storm and flood.

Huynh Thanh Xuan, the Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, made a visit to present gifts to families in Cao Bang city and Nguyen Binh district who were impacted by natural disasters. The donations, which totaled over 30 million VND, were given to families that experienced losses from fatalities or home damages. Furthermore, an amount of 40 million VND was donated to aid in building the "Union Shelter" for union member Nong Thi Hoi and the members of Chu Trinh Kindergarten.

On September 14 in Lao Cai, a delegation headed by Phan Van Anh, Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, donated 2 billion VND to the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Lao Cai.

Vietnam Trade Union Gives Gifts to Members and Workers in Flood-hit Northern Provinces
The Vietnam General Confederation of Labor delegation donated 100 million VND to the teachers at Ban Vuoc Primary School in Bat Xat, Lao Cai. (Photo: T.L).

Phan Van Anh reports that following the aftermath of storm No. 3, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor swiftly enacted policies to aid workers impacted by the storm. The Confederation introduced the Golden Heart Fund to assist union members and workers affected by storm No. 3, offering 10 million VND per person for those who died due to the storm, 1-5 million VND per person for those seriously injured requiring hospitalization, and 1-3 million VND per person for areas and sectors directly hit by the storm, depending on the extent of property damage such as blown-off roofs, flood destruction, landslides, and houses needing urgent repairs, to help union members and workers recover and stabilize their lives.

On the same day, a delegation from the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor visited Ban Vuoc Primary School (Bat Xat), presenting 100 million VND to support the school, which is at high risk of landslides and has been relocated to a safer location. Additionally, they donated 3 million VND to a teacher's family in the commune, whose house was destroyed by the effects of storm No. 3.

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