Meaningful Mid-Autumn Festival Gifts for Students in Flood-Affected Areas

The community in Ninh Binh is rallying together to transform Mid-Autumn Festival preparations into meaningful gifts for those affected by the floods, demonstrating a strong sense of compassion and support.
September 17, 2024 | 11:40
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The afternoon class of September 13th for the 4B students at Ninh My Primary School (Hoa Lu, Ninh Binh) became more special as they spent time preparing meaningful gifts for students in flood-affected areas.

Meaningful Mid-Autumn Festival Gifts for Students in Flood-Affected Areas
Gifts for students in flood-affected areas are being prepared by students of Ninh My Primary School (Hoa Lu).

In the classroom, brand new notebooks, used textbooks, pens, old backpacks, and slippers were carefully wrapped by the students with their teacher's help. Along with these gifts were handwritten letters addressed to the young children who were facing difficulties and hardships due to the floods.

Le Hai Nam, a 4B student, said "Every year, our parents usually prepare candies, toys, and organize a Mid-Autumn Festival celebration for us in the classroom, which is always fun and meaningful. However, this year, due to the floods in the northern mountainous provinces, we saw that many children lost their homes, and schools were flooded, their books were washed away. We felt sorry for them and wanted to share with them. Although it's a bit sad to not have a Mid-Autumn Festival celebration in the classroom this year, I think with the gifts prepared by our class, we can help the students in the flood-affected areas return to school sooner."

Many classes at Ninh My Primary School are also launching campaigns to collect books, notebooks, and school supplies to support students in flood-affected areas. In recent days, in addition to carrying their backpacks, many students also brought old books, clothes, backpacks, milk, instant noodles to contribute to the gifts for students in flood-affected areas.

For class 4B, as soon as they followed the news about the storm and floods severely affecting the lives of people in the province and northern mountainous provinces, the class's parent committee quickly agreed to convert all the money that parents had donated to organize the Mid-Autumn Festival for their children in the classroom into buying supplies, books, and pens to support students in the flood-affected areas.

Pham Thi Trang, head of the 4B parent committee, said "Every year, about half a month before the Mid-Autumn Festival, the class's parent committee always discusses and plans to organize a celebration for the children. Given the complicated developments of the storm and floods, causing severe damage to people and property in many northern mountainous provinces, we empathize and share the same thought of not organizing the Mid-Autumn Festival as usual, but using all the donated funds of nearly VND2 million (US$81.3) to buy books, notebooks, and pens to donate to students in the flood-affected areas.

The most joyful thing is that not only do the parents agree, but the students also unanimously express their agreement, preparing old textbooks, old clothes, shoes to bring to class to contribute to the gifts for friends who are facing difficulties due to the rain and floods.

Through this action, we feel that we have contributed to spreading the sharing of our children with those in difficult circumstances, educating our children to love and help students in flood-affected areas through practical and meaningful actions."

Meaningful Mid-Autumn Festival Gifts for Students in Flood-Affected Areas
Each letter was written by 4B students and sent along with gifts to encourage and share with students in flood-affected areas.

As the Mid-Autumn Festival draws near, many neighborhoods in the province are adapting their celebrations to the current situation. While previous years saw vibrant preparations, this year, many communities are focusing on supporting those affected by the recent floods.

Vu Dinh Hien, head of Khanh Minh neighborhood, shared that his neighborhood has been actively fundraising for flood relief efforts. One of the self-governing teams in the neighborhood has even decided to cancel their annual Mid-Autumn Festival party and donate the funds to flood victims.

The community has expressed strong support for this initiative, recognizing the importance of helping those in need. While they still plan to celebrate the festival with their children, they also want to show solidarity with the students who have been displaced by the floods.

In the current context where many provinces and cities are focusing intensively on overcoming the consequences caused by Storm No. 3 and post-storm floods, including localities in Ninh Binh province, the Provincial People's Committee has issued a document requesting departments, agencies, organizations, and People's Committees of districts and cities to organize Mid-Autumn Festival activities in 2024 in an appropriate manner, ensuring safety. Especially in places affected by rain, floods, mass gatherings of children and large crowds are absolutely prohibited, events that are unsafe and at risk of being affected by natural disasters and floods are not allowed.

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