Vietnamese Engineering Force in Abyei Responses to World Environment Day with Special Event

In response to World Environment Day (June 5),the Vietnamese Engineering Company Rotation 2, in coordination with the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA), organized an environmental protection event. It includes an award ceremony to present insignia to the units stationed in the Abyei for their contribution to the local community.
June 09, 2024 | 09:45
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The event’s theme, "Joining Hands for a Greener, Cleaner, and More Sustainable Abyei," was proposed by the Vietnamese Engineering Forice, People's Army Newspaper reported. It aims to encourage people Abyei to together protect the environment by practical activities like planting trees or disposing of waste properly.

During the event, experts from UNISFA's agencies mentioned issues that have been threatening the living environment of the people of Abyei. They said that the region is facing numerous environmental problems, including air and water pollution, solid waste, and serious soil pollution. Through activities, the organizing panel wished to enhance people’s awareness of the impact of desertification, thus coming up with new and creative methods to protect the environment in the region.

(Photo: People's Army Newspaper)
UNISFA’s Acting Commander Brigadier Ameer Muhammad Umrani (Photo: People's Army Newspaper).

UNISFA’s Acting Commander Brigadier Ameer Muhammad Umrani and Commanding Officer of the Vietnamese force participating in UN peacekeeping operations in Abyei and Head of the Vietnamese Engineering Company Rotation 2 Senior Colonel Nguyen Viet Hung attended the event, along with the Minister of Health, the Minister of Education, the Mayor of the Abyei region, and representatives from UNISFA's agencies.

Vietnamese Engineering Force in Abyei Reponses to World Environment Day with Special Event
One of the highlights of the event is the fashion show featuring recycled products (Photo: People's Army Newspaper)

Also at the event, Brigadier Ameer Muhammad Umrani, on behalf of UNISFA, presented an insignia to the units stationed in the Abyei, awarding them for their contribution to the local community.

Vietnamese Engineering Force in Abyei Reponses to World Environment Day with Special Event

On this occasion, delegates planted trees at Highway Base. Through activities, the organizing panel wished to enhance people’s awareness of the impact of desertification, thus coming up with new and creative methods to protect the environment in the region (Photo: People's Army Newspaper).

According to Second-in-command Officer of the company Major Vu Tri Xuyen, the Vietnamese Engineering Company pays attention to environmental protection during their deployment in Abyei. They strictly follow the regulations and guidelines of UNISFA's environmental agencies and conduct practical activities like organizing three-party meetings among the mission, local authorities, and residents to better understand the environmental issues confronting them; collected and treated solid waste and dredged drainage systems in densely populated areas; provided water for locals in Bachol Muala village on a weekly basis. These activities aimed towards the target of building a greener, cleaner, and more sustainable Abyei.

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Fanasy Nguyen Le
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