WWF Supports Quang Tri in Promoting Sustainable Rattan Supply Chain

On August 12, the People's Committee of Quang Tri province released Decision No. 1994/QD-UBND, endorsing the "Promoting sustainable supply chains, empowering communities, improving forest resilience and biodiversity, and sharing cross-border knowledge and experience - Phase 7.2" project in Quang Tri, with funding from WWF in Vietnam.
August 13, 2024 | 15:09
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VUFO & WWF to Enhance Cooperation on Protecting Local Environment in Vietnam

The initiative has received a total of SEK 874,856 in non-refundable aid, equivalent to over VND 1.9 billion. The project aims to improve sustainable forest product supply chains, increase community participation in production management and development, enhance forest resilience and biodiversity, and share knowledge and experiences to replicate effective practices and models. It will be implemented in Quang Tri province and is scheduled for completion by August 31, 2025.

WWF Supports Quang Tri in Promoting Sustainable Rattan Supply Chain
Illustratrative image.

The initiative aims to bolster climate change resilience through the sustainable management of natural forests and certified plantations. Concurrently, it will establish and manage a system to monitor reserves and harvest rattan, guaranteeing sustainable practices. Additionally, it will educate individuals on production and commerce within the sustainable rattan supply chain.

Furthermore, the project implements a pilot "Innovation Fund" designed to foster initiatives that enhance livelihoods, ecosystem services, and climate change resilience. It aims to disseminate and amplify knowledge and experiences derived from the project's endeavors. Additionally, it tests programs and tools that advocate and bolster natural solutions, contributing to both conservation and the betterment of livelihoods.

Also through this project, promoting sustainable forest product supply chains, empowering communities in production management and development, improving forest resilience and biodiversity, sharing knowledge and experience to replicate good ideas and models will bring high efficiency, helping people stabilize their lives and protect forests sustainably, especially ethnic minorities in mountainous districts of Quang Tri.

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