Brave Da Nang Fishermen Protects Vietnam's Sea and Islands Sovereignty

The fishermen of Da Nang City not only sail for the sea doing business but also for becoming an extended arm to protect sovereignty of the Fatherland' seas and islands. Their love for the sea, islands, and the Fatherland has become is the wind that fills their sails. Each time they return to the mainland, they immediately feel the sea calling them to sail again.
June 19, 2024 | 16:02
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A life of abundance at sea

Nguyen Van Chien (Xuan Ha ward, Thanh Khe district, Da Nang city) has been a fisherman for more than 30 years.

"I have been going to sea since I was 14 years old. I went from being a helper to a main crew member, then captain and owner of 1, 2, 3 ships. Fishermen used to work alone, but now we have united as a strong group. Thanks to the spirit and will of the united boat crew members at sea, fishermen are more confident in each trip out to sea on the traditional fishing grounds in Hoang Sa and Truong Sa, to make a living," Chien shared his business story.

Brave Da Nang Fishermen Protects Vietnam's Sea and Islands Sovereignty
Officers of Son Tra Border Guard Station presented the National flag to fishermen (Photo: Truc Ha/

When reaching abundant fishing grounds, fishermen in the groups called Solidarity Boat Group generously share information for fellow fishermens. Each "Solidarity Boat Group" is established based on the connection in daily activities between members. Therefore, after establishing a group, fishermen become closer and more united as they sail the boat. Group members also disseminate necessary legal information to each other. These are the regulations of maritime border areas and related legal documents to inform the fishermen so that they implement regulations when doing their businesses. Everyone needs to understand that no matter what job they do or where they do business, they must comply with the law.

Since the European Commission withdrew the "yellow card" from the Vietnamese seafood industry, propaganda for fishermen not to illegally exploit the sea has become a regular and important job for officers and soldiers of the city's Border Guard of Danang city. As the area management unit with the largest number of ships in the city, Son Tra Border Guard Station has found many solutions with good and creative ways to work with the fishermen. Lieutenant Colonel Dang Van Dao, Chief of Son Tra Border Guard Station stated that Da Nang city is among the localities without vehicles violating foreign waters.

"The resolute handling of violating vessels also shows the spirit and responsibility in the work of removing the "yellow card" for the Vietnamese seafood industry. We actively promote the results achieved to encourage fishermen" said Lieutenant Colonel Dang Van Dao, Chief of Son Border Guard Station.

Protecting sovereignty over seas and islands

According to Colonel Do Van Dong, Political Commissar of the Border Guard of Da Nang city, protecting the sovereignty of the sea and islands is an important task of the Party, the people and the Army of Vietnam.

He stressed that fishermen - those who directly make a living at sea - act as "landmarks" of sovereignty in the middle of the sea. Fishermen are an irreplaceable force in the all-people national defense, people's security and all-people border guard at sea.

Brave Da Nang Fishermen Protects Vietnam's Sea and Islands Sovereignty
Officer at Man Quang Border Guard Station checks on the equipment to monitor the journey of fishermen's fishing vessels (Photo: Truc Ha/

Not only working at fishing grounds and catching seafood for economic development, fishermen also contribute to protecting security and order at sea and protecting the maritime sovereignty of their homeland. Protecting sovereignty and security of the sea and islands does not only rely on specialized forces. The presence of fishermen at sea is meaningful as an important protection force. That each fishing boat has a fluttering red flag and yellow star - the "living milestones" affirming the sovereignty of the sea and islands of the Fatherland amidst the waves and winds at sea - is the main spirit that every officer and soldier of the Border Guard of Da Nang city lives by and demonstrates through action.

Recently, Da Nang City Border Guard has had initiatives for supporting fishermen to go out to sea and stick to the sea while still being able to check and control their vehicles. For example, Man Quang Border Guard Station (Son Tra Border Guard Station) creates a form to record which documents are valid or expired on the vehicle. This helps save the soldiers' inspection time and make sure people remember the timeline.

The form also had the phone number of Captain Nguyen Van Khanh of Man Quang Border Guard Station. Last year, on October 13, 2023, fishermen Le Van Dung (residing in Thanh Hoa province) were rescued thanks to that very form. When bringing his ship to shore to take shelter at coordinates 16°09'32"N - 108°19'04"E, about 18 nautical miles from Nghe Cape in Da Nang city, Dung called the Man Quang Border Guard Control Station and the Region II Maritime Search and Rescue Coordination Center to request rescue. Thanks to timely rescue, Dung and his crew members were brought back to shore safely.

According to fishermen Nguyen Van Tien (Head of Tien Len Solidarity Boat Group, Nai Hien Dong Ward, Son Tra District, Da Nang City). The local government, especially the Border Guard, always accompanies every trip fishermen go out to sea. Fishermen understand that what they do is not only a means of livelihood but also to join hands to protect the sovereignty of the sea and islands of the Fatherland. Therefore, in addition to preparing food and fishing gear, each fisherman also equips himself with courage to cope with dangerous situations. The Border Guard creates favorable conditions and supports fishermen when in distress at sea. They become a solid fulcrum for fishermen to be more confident in the fishing process.

Fishermen like TIen want the support from the local government in upgrading and expanding anchorages and storm shelters for boats. Regarding fisheries logistics activities, more fisheries unions should be established.

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