COVID-19: Personal protective equipment from Vietnam arrived at Kazakhstan

Personal protective equipment sent by the Vietnamese National Assembly as humanitarian aid was sent to medical institutions in the Atyrau region of Kazakhstan to assist the fight against COVID-19 in the Central Asian country.
July 17, 2020 | 07:09
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The Kazakh lower house of Parliament (Mazhilis) on July 16 announced that the Vietnamese National Assembly had sent humanitarian aid in the form of personal protective equipment (PPE) to help Kazakhstan people curb the spread of COVID-19.

The PPE from Vietnam has been sent to medical facilities in Atyrau province in western Kazakhstan, it said in a press release in

The Kazakhstan lower house appreciated the gift from the Vietnamese NA, adding that the distribution of the humanitarian aid was made under the supervision of members of the Kazakhstan lower and upper houses.

Apart from this aid, Vietnamese NA have presented gifts of medical supplies to international parliaments and inter-parliamentary organisations, including Kazakhstan, during ceremonies held from May 11-14.

Vietnam and Kazakhstan established diplomatic relations in 1992. Vietnam is an important trading partner of Kazakhstan in Southeast Asia. Bilateral trade has been on the rise since the free trade agreement between Vietnam and the Eurasian Economic Union, of which Kazakhstan is a member, took effect in 2016.

The relationship has been deepened across spheres, political dialogues have been upgraded by high-level visits.

In 2011, Kazakhstan’s President Nursultan Nazarbayev paid an official visit to Vietnam. One year later, President Truong Tan Sang made an official visit to Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan considers Vietnam an important partner in Southeast Asia, Ambassador of Kazakhstan in Vietnam, Yerlan Bayzhanov said, adding that the two economies could be supplementary to each other.

In the article, written to mark the 130th birthday of the late President, the diplomat remarked that there is a commonality between Vietnam’s success in fighting COVID-19 and Ho Chi Minh’s Thoughts.

According to him, President Ho Chi Minh’s Thoughts have penetrated deeply into all aspects of Vietnamese social life. He added that all Vietnamese people exercised discipline and upheld a collective spirit, placing the common interest above personal benefit.

Apart from close collaboration between authorities, the Vietnamese people united, adapted to changes and stood determined to overcome difficulties. Such qualities were also strengthened by patriotism, he said.

As of July 13, there were 59,899 confirmed coronavirus cases and 375 deaths in Kazakhstan.

In recent months, Vietnam's government and people has donated many masks and medical supplies to a number of countries, which are heavily affected by the COVID-19 epidemic. Vietnam has been highly appreciated by many countries for the spirit of solidarity. Although it is also affected by COVID-19, Vietnam is still willing to share resources, provide medical assistance and create favorable conditions for citizens of countries to stay here./.

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