General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong Remembered in Hearts of Overseas Vietnamese

"No matter where you go, remember that you are descendants of the Lac Hong lineage, and whatever you do, remember that you are Vietnamese, preserving our national identity, safeguarding the Vietnamese language, and promoting Vietnam's image to friends around the world." These are the words from General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong to the overseas Vietnamese community.
July 21, 2024 | 15:07
Book on Party Leader Nguyen Phu Trong Published in RoK
Party Chief's Book on Building, Developing Vietnamese Culture

Phan Bich Thien, president of the Vietnamese Women's Union in Europe:

Preserving and promoting national culture

In September 2018, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and a high-ranking Vietnamese delegation came to Budapest for an official visit to Hungary. Despite the busy schedule, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong still took time to meet with the Vietnamese community.

When I met him, I felt that the General Secretary was close, like an uncle in the family.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong Remembered in Hearts of Overseas Vietnamese
Phan Bich Thien, president of the Vietnamese Women's Union in Europe (red ao dai on the right) took a photo with General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. Photo: Phan Bich Thien

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong said that anyone who has any opinions should raise their hand to speak, and he would listen. After listening to the opinions, right at the meeting, the General Secretary directed the agencies and units to remove the obstacles for overseas Vietnamese.

In his conversation with the community, the General Secretary emphasized the importance of culture. Preserving culture is preserving the nation. This is a key point for the development of the country and the nation. He hopes and believes that the Vietnamese community abroad will promote their traditions, experience, and continue to have many initiatives to preserve their national identity, the Vietnamese language, and promote the image of Vietnam to friends around the world.

Nguyen Quoc Hung, Russian-Vietnamese Cooperation Development Fund:

"Tradition and Friendship": Whatever you do, think of yourself as Vietnamese

As an overseas Vietnamese living away from my homeland for 36 years, I was honored to have met twice with General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong when he officially visited the Russian Federation and met with overseas Vietnamese. Those meetings became unforgettable memories for me.

The first time was in 2014 when the General Secretary met intimately with community members in Russia. In a sincere and warm atmosphere, the General Secretary reminded everyone "Wherever you go, you must remember that you are a descendant of Lac Long Quan and Au Co, and whatever you do, you remember that you are Vietnamese.

People live together in solidarity and contribute to promoting Vietnam, its people, and its culture abroad and in Russia. At the same time, we also absorb the quintessence, culture, and good things from foreign countries and Russia to build our homeland."

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong Remembered in Hearts of Overseas Vietnamese
Nguyen Quoc Hung, Russia-Vietnam Cooperation Development Fund met with General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. Photo: Nguyen Quoc Hung

His advice serves as a profound lesson in people-to-people diplomacy, underscoring the notion that each overseas Vietnamese is a microcosm of their homeland.

Through daily lives and pursuit of a better existence, every individual Vietnamese abroad has the potential to become a bridge fostering friendship and a goodwill ambassador for Vietnam, winning over the hearts of people worldwide.

For the second time in 2018, at the 60th Anniversary of the establishment of the Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association in Moscow, I was deeply honored to receive a handshake and congratulations from General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong upon being awarded the Commemorative Medal of the Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association.

At the ceremony, he mentioned the Russian proverb "No wealth can compare to friendship."

"The Vietnamese people always deeply appreciate and remember the close and loyal friendship of the Russian people," General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong said.

He expressed hope that, in the context of a complex and unpredictable world and region, the Russian Federation and Vietnam would continue to foster their tradition of solidarity and mutual trust, standing shoulder to shoulder, and helping each other overcome difficulties and challenges.

The warmth of General Secretary Phu Trong's hand and his trusting gaze during that meeting always remind me of his simple, everyday lessons about his way of life, of being a human being, and his aspiration for Vietnam.

That is to successfully build a socialist society with the sustainable and positive values that humanity strives for, "A society where development is truly for the people, a society that is prosperous, strong, democratic, equitable, and civilized."

Artist Ninh Duc Hoang Long (Hungarian expatriate):

Cultivating and building a positive image of Vietnamese people

During the Vietnam-Hungary state-level diplomatic meeting in October 2018, I had the great honor of performing to welcome General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and the high-ranking delegations of both countries at the Hungarian Parliament.

After the performance, I had the opportunity to meet General Secretary directly. He expressed his joy and pride in the talent of Vietnamese people shining in Europe. He encouraged me to continue to strive and improve to build a positive image of Vietnamese people, continuing to be a cultural bridge between the two countries. Those words were not only encouragement but also a message full of affection and responsibility. They have become my guiding light to overcome many difficulties, and continue to pursue my dreams.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong Remembered in Hearts of Overseas Vietnamese
Ninh Duc Hoang Long (center) with General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong (left), Prime Minister Orban Viktor, September 2018. Photo: Hoang Long

When I and the Vietnamese overseas Vietnamese delegation returned to attend the Homeland Spring 2019, I once again met the General Secretary directly during the incense offering ceremony at Ngoc Son temple.

I vividly remember that emotional feeling when, among hundreds of overseas Vietnamese, he still recognized me and complimented my singing. His acknowledgment and praise made me feel valued and encouraged. That night, I had another opportunity to perform for him and the Vietnamese audience. Meeting him twice, each time left a deep impression and boundless gratitude in my heart.

The simple, humble, and affectionate image of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has left a deep impression on me. I felt his sincere affection and concern for the Vietnamese community overseas as well as for the country's artists. This care and encouragement have helped me and many others in the overseas Vietnamese community to feel more connected to our roots, and prouder of our homeland.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong met with overseas Vietnamese in the Homeland Spring Program 2019. Video: Ninh Duc Hoang Long

He was not only a steadfast and dedicated leader but also a simple and approachable person. I always felt his sincerity and humility in the way he communicated and interacted with everyone, from ordinary farmers to cadres, and civil servants.

In particular, I am deeply grateful for his concern for the Vietnamese community abroad. He always encouraged and created conditions for overseas Vietnamese to maintain and promote our national cultural identity, as well as to contribute our intelligence and talent to the development of the country. This care and encouragement have motivated me and many others in the overseas Vietnamese community, helping us feel more connected and proud of our origins.

Vietnam Library Inaugurated in Moscow Research Institute

Vietnam Library Inaugurated in Moscow Research Institute

The Institute of China and Contemporary Asia (ICCA) under the Russian Academy of Sciences inaugurated a Vietnam library in Moscow on February 22.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong passes away

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong passes away

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong passed away on July 19 afternoon at the age of 80, according ...

Rosie Nguyen
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