General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong - Steadfast Fighter For Peace And Friendship Between Peoples

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong was a prestigious Party leader who devoted himself wholeheartedly to the nation’s prosperity and happiness, according to First Vice Chairman of the Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association Petr Tsvetov.
July 24, 2024 | 16:50
International Diplomats Affirm General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's Role in Modern Vietnamese History
Vietnamese Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong Praised by International Press

Vice Chairman of the Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association said he was deeply sad when he learned that General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong had left the world.

Personally and on behalf of all activists of the Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association, he sends his deepest condolences to the entire Vietnamese people, all Vietnamese communists, friends and family of the General Secretary.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong - Steadfast Fighter For Peace And Friendship Between Peoples
General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong met President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin during his visit to Russia in 2018. Photo: Embassy of Vietnam in the Russian Federation

According to Associate Professor Petr Tsvetov, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is an excellent leader of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the State of Vietnam. He is the person who created the theoretical basis to build a new "Socialism" in Vietnam in the 21st century.

He raised and developed important issues such as the role of the Communist Party in the modern Vietnamese state, guidelines and methods for building a rule-of-law state, the nature of democracy in Vietnam, and the differences between it with democracy in Western countries, the role of the state in the period of market reform. He also introduced the concept of "bamboo diplomacy."

The results of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's theoretical research have become the basis for the practical achievements of communists and the Vietnamese people in our time.

First Vice Chairman of the Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association Petr Tsvetov said that Vietnam's successes in socio-economic development and strengthening its position on the world stage are closely linked to Nguyen Phu Trong's activities in his position as General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is a steadfast fighter for peace and friendship between peoples. He made efforts to develop Vietnam's foreign affairs according to the "more friends, less enemies" principle.

Under the leadership of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, Vietnam has established comprehensive strategic partnerships with seven countries, including countries with different political orientations such as Russia, China and the United States. General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong met with leaders of these countries, strengthening partnership and mutual understanding.

Associate Professor Petr Tsvetov also mentioned Nguyen Phu Trong's contribution to developing relations between Russia and Vietnam.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong - Steadfast Fighter For Peace And Friendship Between Peoples
In 2018, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong attended the 60th Anniversary of the establishment of the Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong was once an intern, defending Associate PhD thesis (now PhD thesis) at the Party Building Department of the Academy of Social Sciences of the Soviet Union

He has visited Russia many times and met with all the leaders of the Russian Federation, including President Vladimir Putin. The most recent meeting between the two leaders took place in Hanoi on June 20, 2024. During these meetings, many important issues were resolved.

In September 2018, in Moscow, members of the Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association had the honor of meeting Nguyen Phu Trong when he attended the 60th Anniversary of the establishment of the Friendship Association.

At the event, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong awarded the Association the Labor Medal - Vietnam's noble state award.

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