How EGCG in Green Tea Benefits Your Health?

Green tea owes its subtle flavors and gentle, mouth-cleansing astringency to a number of organic compounds. One of them is EGCG, which has attracted attention for its potential health benefits.
February 25, 2022 | 14:42
How EGCG in Green Tea Benefits Your Health?
Photo: Chinh Son

What is EGCG?

According to Compounding, Epigallocatechin-3-gallate, better known as EGCG, is a compound found in many natural foods.

From a scientific standpoint, it’s a polyphenol, which is a classification of plant-based organic chemicals distinguished by a large number of phenol structural groups. These compounds have been linked to a number of health benefits. They work similarly to antioxidants within the body, decreasing inflammation and boosting energy.

EGCG is what’s known as water-soluble catechin, a particular type of flavonoid most often found in tea, cocoa, and berries. EGCG is known as the most potent antioxidant catechin.

How EGCG in Green Tea Benefits Your Health?
Photo: VITAS

How does EGCG benefit health?

Protects Against Cell Damage

Catechins such as EGCG are natural antioxidants. That means these compounds help prevent the creation of free radicals, which are potentially harmful molecules that can cause damage to cells and even DNA.

In the long run, free radicals can be especially harmful and may cause chronic health problems, so it's good to keep them in check with healthy foods that contain EGCG.


One of the first things to know about EGCG is that it interferes with oxidation, and therefore can help minimize oxidative damage in cells. Oxidative damage is known to be a contributing factor in a number of illnesses, notably cancer.

Therefore, some sources, most notably the supplements industry, argue that consuming lots of antioxidants should provide protection against numerous cancers. The reality is probably more nuanced, according to Healthy Eating.

Fight Disease

In addition to protecting cells, EGCG has been linked to some disease prevention. Studies have found that diets rich in polyphenols – such as EGCG – have the potential to prevent chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and even cancer.

This is due to EGCG's antioxidant properties. Fewer free radicals result in a lower likelihood of abnormal cell growth like tumors. While more studies are needed to help confirm these results, the benefits look promising, according to Perk Energy.

Weight Loss

The connection between EGCG and enhanced weight loss is an important benefit for many. When combined with healthy caffeine consumption, studies show EGCG is associated with lower fat and a significantly greater ability to lose weight altogether.

EGCG also seems to help the liver break down and process fats, according to a study published on PLOS One in 2014. Drinking green tea will not magically make you lose weight, but incorporating green tea regularly into a balanced program of healthy diet and exercise may well prove beneficial for overall health.

Increases Brain Function

Another attractive EGCG benefit is its link to brain health. Some studies found a relationship between EGCG and reduced risk of age-related brain decline and increased neurological cell function. That means EGCG has the potential to help you look and feel your best.

Reduces Inflammation

Along with its ability to protect cells, EGCG is also linked to a reduction in inflammation. Inflammation is part of your body's natural defense against illness and disease, yet, it can sometimes show up when you don't want it to. This can cause some discomfort and overall swelling.

How EGCG in Green Tea Benefits Your Health?
Photo: VTC

Zero Degree Green Tea - A convenient source of EGCG

EGCG only lasts for a limited period, usually 4-6 hours after being made. In traditional bottled tea products, EGCG is reduced during extraction. Zero Degree Green Tea, however, is manufactured by Aseptic cold-extraction technology, it keeps the maximum amount of healthy nutrients from Thai raw green tea leaves, especially EGCG.

With EGCG from tea leaf and supplemented with vitamin C to strengthen health to adapt the new normal state, Zero Degree Green Tea has become a hit and is used every day by millions of young people. This bottled drink has become indispensable in the luggage of young people on their trips to explore the country to relieve stress and relax as the new year is coming close.

Recognized as Vietnam's National Brand product, Zero Degree Green Tea is one of the most popular refreshment drinks. In a market survey, 71% of respondents said that they regularly use the product. Zero Degree Green Tea has Halal certification for drinks in Muslim countries.

How EGCG in Green Tea Benefits Your Health?
Photo: Kien Thuc
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