Russian Federation Trains Viet Youth With Media Skills Program

The second activity of the 2024 Media Skill Improvement Program (TTSV FILM) for Vietnamese university students in the Russian Federation was recently held in Moscow.
June 19, 2024 | 09:34
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(Photo: Vietnamese Student Association in the Russian Federation)
In the second talk show on June 16, the special guest speaker was Nguyen Thi Thu Ha - Chief Representative of Voice of Vietnam (VOV) Resident Agency in the Russian Federation (Photo: Vietnamese Student Association in the Russian Federation)

The program was carried out thanks to the direction of the Party Committee of the Vietnamese Embassy in the Russian Federation, ​​the Youth Union Affairs Committee in the Russian Federation, and the Vietnamese Student Association in the Russian Federation.

The 2024 Media Skill Improvement Program (TTSV FILM) provides the participants with the opportunity to study and practice journalism skills under the instruction of journalists and reporters to help them cultivate a career in journalism.

In the second talk show on June 16, the special guest speaker was Nguyen Thi Thu Ha - Chief Representative of the Voice of Vietnam (VOV) Resident Agency in the Russian Federation.

Vietnam - Russia student article
The special guest speaker was Nguyen Thi Thu Ha at the talk show (Photo: Vietnamese Student Association in the Russian Federation)

As one of the highlights of the program, journalist Nguyen Thi Thu Ha instructed the students to directly practice conducting interviews.

Students were given the topic "Make an interview on today's talk show" as a group assignment. In particular, the group chose interviewees, practiced asking questions and acting as "reporter" to conduct interviews. The assignment was edited by the guest speaker herself so that the group can work on improving with the actual interview process.

Participants reviewed that the assignment gave them an opportunity to apply the knowledge they just learned into practice.

"Even though I am an engineering major student, I am very interested in the field of communications. Coming to this talk show, in addition to the knowledge I learned, I also directly participated in interviews to apply the knowledge I have just learned into practice," said Thu Trang, a participant.

Vietnam - Russia student article
As one of the highlights of the program, journalist Nguyen Thi Thu Ha instructed the students to directly practice conducting interviews (Photo: Vietnamese Student Association in the Russian Federation)

Trang added that thanks to the program, she became more confident in communication and learned useful skills such as listening skills or eye communication skills.

The program helped the mission of connecting students with a common passion for journalism to study and share knowledge with each other, as shared by the representative of the Vietnamese Student Association in the Russian Federation

With the growing dynamism and creativity in the Vietnamese student community in the Russian Federation in particular, and Vietnamese students abroad in general, programs like this will be the foundation for the Vietnamese Student Association in Russia to create more useful and diverse programs in the future.

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