Vietnam moves forward along chosen socialist path

The Communist Party of Vietnam has chosen a socialist path for the Southeast Asian nation, a noble goal that matches the inevitability of human revolution. This choice has brought about an array of great successes.
January 20, 2021 | 15:29
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The 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the country’s most important political event, is set to begin next week. The upcoming congress will mark a historic turning point when the country has implemented the Doi Moi (Renewal) process for nearly 35 years and the 2011 to 2020 socio-economic development strategy for 10 years.

The congress is also set to take place amid rapid, complicated, and unpredictable developments in the region and the world. At present, plenty of global events are having a multi-dimensional and direct impact on Vietnam and its citizens, both positively and negatively.

Given the current context, the Communist Party of Vietnam will maintain the important tasks of promoting the Renewal process in a comprehensive manner whilst proactively integrating into the world, in order to support the cause of national construction and defence.

Ahead of the congress, Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong emphasised that, “Our Party must really stand steadfast and creatively apply Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh’s Thought, while firmly working toward the goal of national independence and socialism. This is a matter of vital significance to our regime, is a solid foundation of our Party, and that anyone is now not allowed to lean or waver.”

Almost 35 years since the implementation of the Renewal process, Vietnam has recorded plenty of great and historic achievements on its chosen path of building and defending a Socialist state. Despite being humble, General Secretary Trong affirmed that, “Never before has our country developed the ongoing cause, capability, position and reputation internationally as it does at present.”

Most notably, Vietnamese GDP was valued at a mere US$6.3 billion in 1989, and this figure is anticipated to rise to US$340.6 billion in 2020, in line with the forecast of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), beating Singapore to become the fourth largest economy in Southeast Asia.

The physical and spiritual lives of local citizens have also markedly improved, with the average income per capita in 2020 reaching roughly US$2,750, far exceeding the US$159 mark recorded in 1985 and representing a 1.3 fold increase compared to 2015’s figures.

Furthermore, Vietnam achieved an average economic growth rate of 5.9% per annum between 2016 and 2020, making it among the countries to record the highest rate in the region and the world. The economy’s major parameters, such as consumption, savings, investment, energy, food, labour, and employment have constantly been guaranteed, thereby contributing to solidifying macroeconomic foundations.

In relation to foreign affairs, the country’s position and prestige in the international arena has been increasingly elevated in recent times. This comes after Vietnam was elected as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the 2020 to 2021 term with 192/193 votes, the highest in the history of the UN in over 70 years.

Despite facing up to the negative impact of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and natural disasters last year, Vietnam grabbed international headlines after recording an impressive 2.91% economic growth rate. This represents an extremely significant figure in comparison to the minus 4% of the global economy.

Thanks to this success, the country has been singled out internationally as an exemplary role model in terms of disease prevention and socio-economic development. It also ensured social security and welfare, thereby maintaining national defence, security, social order, and safety, while simultaneously effectively promoting foreign relations and international integration in a flexible manner.

Vietnam’s current status serves as convincing evidence to testify to the fact that it has chosen the correct path in line with the true nature of its people and following historical development trends. The country’s recent achievements demonstrate the superiority of socialism whilst reinforcing the beliefs of officials, Party members, and citizens in Vietnamese socialism.

These achievements show that the Communist Party of Vietnam has enough bravery, intelligence, experience, prestige, and ability to lead the country to overcome all potential difficulties and challenges. It continues to claim victories across a variety of fields on behalf of Vietnamese people.

In recent years hostile forces have left no stone unturned in their efforts to undermine the revolutionary cause and to deny the socialist ideology that the country is keen to follow. In the current context, they have attempted to take advantage of the Industry 4.0 revolution, by delving into the limitations and shortcomings of a small number of ranking officials and Party members, in order to sabotage the Party and State.

The context requires ranking officials, Party members, and people of all social strata to maintain their belief in the chosen socialist path. Strong and steadfast political bravery will therefore help the nation and its citizens to turn challenges into opportunities and act together moving forward.

As a country that has gone through long periods of war in its history, Vietnam still exists and is continuing to develop. Although mistakes are inevitable, its people will remain steadfast on the chosen path and expect new achievements to be recorded for the cause of national construction and development.

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