Vietnamese Embassies Abroad Honor General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

On July 24, Vietnamese embassies abroad, including those in Cuba, Algeria, and South Africa, flew their flags at half-mast, announced the opening of condolence books, and held respect-paying ceremonies for Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.
July 25, 2024 | 11:31
Flag at Half-mast for National Mourning of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at Ba Dinh Square
Flag at Half-mast for State Funeral of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in Truong Sa

On the morning of July 24, First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee and President of Cuba Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, led a high-level Cuban delegation to pay respects to General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the Vietnamese Embassy in Havana.

First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee and President of Cuba Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez (second from left) pays respects to General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. (Photo: VNA)
First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee and President of Cuba Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez (second from left) pays respects to General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. (Photo: VNA)

The Cuban President affirmed that the passing of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is an irreplaceable loss for the Cuban people.

In his various roles, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong passionately promoted the special, strong, and trusting friendship between Cuba and Vietnam.

In the condolence book, the Cuban leader expressed his belief that the General Secretary’s contributions will forever benefit the Vietnamese Party and people, saying, “forever remembering the sincere friend.”

According to Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero, during these days, the entire nation of Cuba has shown solidarity with Vietnam. The National Assembly, on behalf of the people, has held a moment of silence for General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. All these profound sentiments are a testament to the gratitude for the solidarity and friendship that General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong always nurtured with each Vietnamese citizen.

Cuba was the first country to declare three days of mourning for General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. During these days, Cuban media published numerous articles highlighting the contributions of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong to the cause of building and developing a peaceful and prosperous Vietnam, and the Vietnam-Cuba friendship.

On the morning of July 24, in a solemn and emotional atmosphere, the entire staff of the Vietnamese Embassy in Algeria and representative offices of Vietnam in Algeria observed a minute of silence in memory of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

Respect-paying ceremony for Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on the morning of July 24 at the Vietnamese Embassy in Algeria. (Photo: VNA)
Respect-paying ceremony for Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on the morning of July 24 at the Vietnamese Embassy in Algeria. (Photo: VNA)

President of the Algerian Senate Salah Goudjil visited to pay his respects and expressed his deepest condolences for the great loss to the Party, State, Government, and people of Vietnam.

In the condolence book, the President of the Algerian Senate emphasized that the passing of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has caused Vietnam to lose a wise and steadfast fighter and an exceptional leader whose significant contributions to the country's development in all fields, from politics and diplomacy to the economy and culture, which have been proven by history. General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has left an important mark in the process of building a modern and prosperous Vietnam.

A passage in the condolence book by Salah Goudjil reads; "In this moment of deep sorrow for the brotherly Vietnamese people, on behalf of President Abdelmadjid Tebboune, the Government, and the people of Algeria, I extend my deepest condolences and sincere feelings to the Party, the State, and the people of Vietnam. Once again, I affirm that Algeria stands in solidarity with Vietnam and believes that the Vietnamese people will overcome this difficult period."

Algerian Senate President Salah Goudjil writes in the condolence book. (Photo: VNA)
Algerian Senate President Salah Goudjil writes in the condolence book. (Photo: VNA)

The same day, Secretary General of Algeria's National Liberation Front (FLN) Party Abdelkrim Benmbarek, and member of the FLN Party Central Committee in charge of external relations affairs Mourad Lamoudi paid tribute to Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the Vietnamese embassy.

On the afternoon of July 24, in Pretoria, South Africa, General Secretary of the South African Communist Party Solly Mapaila, came to the Vietnamese Embassy in Pretoria to pay his respects and write in the condolence book for the passing of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

General Secretary of the South African Communist Party Solly Mapaila writes in the condolence book. (Photo: VNA)
General Secretary of the South African Communist Party Solly Mapaila writes in the condolence book. (Photo: VNA)

In the condolence book, General Secretary Solly Mapaila affirmed that the South African Communist Party will always remember the contributions of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong to the construction of socialism in Vietnam, continuing the historical tradition of the Vietnamese nation's struggle against imperialism under the leadership of President Ho Chi Minh and General Vo Nguyen Giap.

The South African Communist Party proudly acknowledges the contributions of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong to the international struggle of the working class for socialism and the leadership of the heroic Vietnamese people in building a resilient and sustainable socialist nation.

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