General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong Forever in Hearts of Vietnamese People

The Vietnamese community abroad has expressed their heartfelt sorrow at the passing of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, a leader who was deeply committed to supporting overseas Vietnamese.
July 31, 2024 | 17:31
'General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong Lives Forever in Hearts of International Friends
Memorial Service Held for Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in South Sudan

Tang Tuan Tu, president of the Vietnamese Association in the UK (VAUK) said that General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is a great intellectual, a thinker, and a cultural figure of the Vietnamese revolution. He has inherited and applied the thoughts and morality of President Ho Chi Minh to serve the country and the nation.

Under the leadership of the Party led by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, Vietnam has achieved many successes in the reform period, especially in building and rectifying the Party, contributing to enhancing the country's position, and prestige on the international arena.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong Forever in Hearts of Vietnamese People
General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong with overseas Vietnamese attending the 2018 Homeland Spring program. Photo:

VAUK President expressed his respect for General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, a leader with heart and vision, who always cares for the people, including the overseas Vietnamese community.

The General Secretary's words affirmed that the Party, State and people always share the difficulties and hardships of overseas Vietnamese. This has strengthened the trust and affection of overseas Vietnamese for their homeland and country.

Luong Son Thanh, former President of VAUK, shared his memories of the Vietnamese top leader, emphasizing the diplomat's closeness, simplicity, and care for overseas Vietnamese. Thanh had the honor of meeting General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong twice. During the General Secretary's visit to the UK in 2013, Thanh, representing VAUK, was privileged to welcome him at the airport while a large number of overseas Vietnamese awaited at the embassy.

When the delegation was carrying out diplomatic protocols at the airport, Thanh quickly returned to the embassy to join the community in welcoming the General Secretary. Upon arriving, he heard the news that the General Secretary would not be coming due to health concerns after the long journey and cold weather in London.

Thanh recalled that the atmosphere was starting to dampen when, unexpectedly, the General Secretary arrived, and the entire hall erupted in joy. With a gentle and calm voice, the General Secretary warmly greeted and chatted with the community as if he were a family member returning from a long trip.

The General Secretary's simple, approachable demeanor and his care deeply moved the overseas Vietnamese, especially when they learned that his accompanying staff had suggested canceling the meeting due to his fatigue, but the General Secretary had refused. The warm affection of the top leader for the Vietnamese community in the UK left an indelible impression on Luong Son Thanh.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong Forever in Hearts of Vietnamese People
General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. Photo: VGP

Hoang Dinh Thang, head of the Union of Vietnamese People Associations in Europe, said that many overseas Vietnamese recognized the General Secretary's contributions to the country.

"The General Secretary's contributions to the country as well as his image will forever remain in the hearts of Vietnamese people, whether at home or abroad," said Hoang Dinh Thang.

Nguyen Hong Hai, an overseas Vietnamese from Australia, praised the General Secretary's skilled diplomacy. "General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has employed the metaphor of the 'Vietnamese bamboo' to describe a firm root, a flexible stem, and graceful branches. The phrase 'Vietnamese bamboo diplomacy' has transcended the meaning of a common concept. Upon deeper analysis and evaluation, it can be considered a treatise on international relations and will undoubtedly be further studied, evaluated, and widely applied."

According to Hai, in an era dominated by market economics, revitalizing culture is an urgent matter. The simple, honest, humble, and sociable lifestyle of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong serves as a shining example of culture. When people look at him, they find faith in his leadership and a strengthened sense of national unity.

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Rosie Nguyen
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