What is Current Rank of Vietnamese Passport in The World?

Countries with strong diplomatic ties and positive international relations often have powerful passports that offer their citizens extensive visa-free access to other countries.
January 09, 2024 | 22:13

The 2024 Passport Index, commissioned by Arton Capital, a global financial advisory firm based in Singapore, shows that people holding a Vietnamese passport has free access to 70 countries and territories

The Vietnamese passport at 73rd place with access to 70 destinations in the latest 2024 ranking, standing behind most of its Southeast Asian neighbors.

It ranked 199 passports from around the world based on how many countries their holders can visit visa-free, with a visa on arrival, an e-visa (if issued within three days), or with an electronic travel authorization.

What is Current Rank of Vietnamese Passport in The World?
The regular passport of Vietnam. Photo: VNA

According to Arton Capital, Vietnamese passport holders can access 70 countries, including 24 without a prior visa, and 46 with visas obtained on arrival.

In Southeast Asia, the Vietnamese passport is only more powerful than Laos (79th) and Myanmar (84th).

Singapore has the world’s fifth most powerful passport in the world with access to 175 countries.

The Malaysian passport was the 10th most powerful in the world with visa-free or visa on arrival access to 170 destinations while the Thai passport ranked 51st, with its citizens allowed to visit 97 countries.

The United Arab Emirates has managed to secure its throne with the most powerful passport in the world, whose citizens are able to visit 180 of 199 countries and territories without applying for a visa.

Germany, Spain, France, Italy and the Netherlands shared the second place, with their citizens able to visit 178 destinations without applying for a visa.

People from conflict-torn Pakistan, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria have the weakest passports, with visa free access to just 47-40 countries and territories.

What is Current Rank of Vietnamese Passport in The World
The Henley Passport Index ranks passports based on the number of countries that their holders can visit without the need for a visa before arrival. The ranking is determined by data provided by the International Air Transport Authority (IATA), which maintains the most extensive and precise database of travel information worldwide.

However, the Henley Passport Index 2024 released by London-based global citizenship and residence advisory firm Henley & Partners ranked the Vietnamese passport at 87th with visa access to 54 destinations.

The passport ranking in the Henley Passport Index is based on a comprehensive methodology that considers several factors. These include the number of countries a passport holder can access without a visa, the country's diplomatic relations, and its international agreements.

The most powerful passports of 2024 include those from countries like Singapore, Germany, Italy, and Spain, offering extensive visa-free travel and seamless global mobility.

With the goal of attracting international tourists to promote socio-economic development, in 2023, the Vietnamese National Assembly passed a law amending and supplementing several articles of the Law on Exit and Entry of Vietnamese Citizens and the Law on Entry, Exit, Transit, and Residence of Foreigners in Vietnam. It took effect on August 15, 2023.

Accordingly, the visa duration is increased from 30 days to 90 days, valid for multiple entries. In addition, the NA also agreed to increase the temporary stay period at the border gate for people entering the country under unilateral visa exemption from 15 days to 45 days.

Vietnam now allows visa waivers for 25 countries and offers three-month tourist e-visas to citizens from all countries.

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Hannah Nguyen