Embassy Commemorates 50th Anniversary of Algerian Journalists' Sacrifices in Vietnam

The annual commemoration reflects Vietnamese people’s tradition of expressing gratitude to those who contributed to the development of the two countries’ long-standing friendship.
March 10, 2024 | 11:46

Vietnamese Ambassador to Algeria Tran Quoc Khanh laid a wreath at the memorial plaque located on the Journalistes Viet Nam 8/3/1974 street, Bir Mourad Raïs district, Algiers on March 7, in memory of the Algerian journalists who died in an accident in Vietnam 50 years ago, VNA reported.

On March 8, 1974, 15 journalists and technicians from Algeria, along with 9 Vietnamese journalists and 3 flight crew members, lost their lives in a plane crash while accompanying the then President of Algeria Houari Boumediene on his official visit to Vietnam.

Embassy Commemorates 50th Anniversary of Algerian Journalists' Sacrifices in Vietnam
At the memorial plaque in Algiers. Photos: TG&VN

To remember the deceased, both Vietnam and Algeria erected memorial plaques in each country. In Vietnam, a memorial site was built at the location of the accident - in Hanoi’s outlying district of Soc Son, during the State visit to Vietnam by President of Algeria Abdelaziz Bouteflika in October 2000. The site has undergone renovation by the municipal People's Committee and will be reopened on the 50th year since the accident. In 2013, the Algerian government also erected a memorial stone for 15 journalists and named the street Vietnamese Journalists in the capital Algiers.

The ceremony to commemorate the 15 Algerian journalists and technicians reflects the tradition of the Vietnamese people, so officials and employees of the Vietnamese Embassy in Algeria didn’t forget the great contribution of the journalists and technicians for the development of relations between the two countries.

Embassy Commemorates 50th Anniversary of Algerian Journalists' Sacrifices in Vietnam
A wreath-laying ceremony held annually by the Vietnamese Embassy demonstrates the Vietnamese people’s tradition of expressing gratitude towards the previous generations for their contributions to the traditional friendship between the two countries and two peoples.

In 2013, the Algerian Government also erected a memorial plaque for the 15 journalists and named a street "Journalistes Viet Nam" in the capital city.

Earlier on March 6, Ambassador Khanh attended a forum held by Algeria's national newspaper El Moudjahid and dedicated to commemorating the journalists.

Attending the forum were also colleagues and relatives of Algerian journalists who died in Vietnam in 1974 and a large number of veterans, news agencies, and Algerians interested in relations between the two countries.

Embassy Commemorates 50th Anniversary of Algerian Journalists' Sacrifices in Vietnam
Article about Vietnam-Algeria friendship on El Moudjahid in 1974.
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Hannah Nguyen