Int'l Friends, Ambassadors’ Spouses in Egypt Introduced to Vietnamese Traditional Dishes

An event was arranged for the international friends and spouses of ambassadors in Cairo to explore Vietnam’s traditional dishes.
June 27, 2024 | 09:54

Recently, spouse of Vietnamese ambassador to Egypt Do Thu Trang held an introduction to Vietnamese culinary culture to international friends and spouses of the diplomatic corps in Cairo.

The guests were introduced to how to make iconic Vietnamese dish - crispy fried spring rolls (nem ran), and also got to practice wrapping them themselves. Everyone enjoyed Vietnamese spring rolls many times, but this was the first time they learned about its ingredients as well as how to make it.

The guests all affirmed that they would make this dish at home when they have the opportunity.

Int'l Friends, Ambassadors’ Spouses in Egypt Introduced to Vietnamese Traditional Dishes
The guests make crispy fried spring rolls. Photo: Chu An

Also at the event, Trang introduced some traditional Vietnamese dishes such as chicken and beef pho, banh cuon (Vietnamese steamed rolls), and gac fruit cake. The ingredients and cooking method of each dish are introduced in detail to guests.

The guests expressed their thanks to the Vietnamese ambassador's spouse and the embassy officials for organizing the event, and said they had learned a lot about traditional Vietnamese dishes. They love Vietnamese cuisine and culture, expressing their hope that such events will continue to be held in the future, reaching more international friends.

The group of diplomatic spouses and partners in Cairo consists about 60 members. The group regularly organizes cultural exchange activities between countries as well as with the host country Egypt such as organizing booths to introduce handicraft products and tree planting activities to contribute to global carbon reduction.

Many of the group's activities receive the attention and support of the Egyptian Foreign Ministry and the Foreign Minister's spouse. This is considered an effective channel to promote Vietnamese culture among the diplomatic spouses/partners in particular and international friends in general.

Int'l Friends, Ambassadors’ Spouses in Egypt Introduced to Vietnamese Traditional Dishes
Foreign friends enjoy the Vietnamese cuisine. Photo: Chu An
Int'l Friends, Ambassadors’ Spouses in Egypt Introduced to Vietnamese Traditional Dishes
Gac fruit cake - a popular dessert, made of ripe Gac (momordica cochinchinensis), glutinous rice flour, steamed green bean paste, copra threads, lard, sugar coated squash, pomelo flower essence, sugar and vanilla. Photo: Chu An
Int'l Friends, Ambassadors’ Spouses in Egypt Introduced to Vietnamese Traditional Dishes
Vietnamese crispy fried spring rolls and steamed rolls. Photo: Chu An
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