Int'l Friends, Ambassadors’ Spouses in Egypt Introduced to Vietnamese Traditional Dishes

Int'l Friends, Ambassadors’ Spouses in Egypt Introduced to Vietnamese Traditional Dishes

An event was arranged for the international friends and spouses of ambassadors in Cairo to explore Vietnam’s traditional dishes.
Egyptian Newspapers Hails Dien Bien Phu Victory of Vietnam

Egyptian Newspapers Hails Dien Bien Phu Victory of Vietnam

Foreign press ran stories and interviews on the occassion of the Dien Bien Phu victory of the Vietnamese people.
First Factory of A Vietnamese Enterprise Inaugurated in Egypt

First Factory of A Vietnamese Enterprise Inaugurated in Egypt

The factory's inauguration and operation shows that Egypt is gradually becoming a destination for Vietnamese investors.
Egyptian Communist Party Interested in Vietnam's Innovation Policies, Experiences

Egyptian Communist Party Interested in Vietnam's Innovation Policies, Experiences

The Communist Party of Egypt is always interested in the innovation policies and experiences of Vietnam, said an official.
Vietnam and Egypt's Capitals Sign Friendship, Cooperation Agreement

Vietnam and Egypt's Capitals Sign Friendship, Cooperation Agreement

The two capitals of Vietnam and Egypt signed the agreement of Friendship and Cooperation
Vietnam Stresses Energy Transition for Climate Action at COP27

Vietnam Stresses Energy Transition for Climate Action at COP27

The 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27), formally the 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties, begins on 6 November.
Ninth Vietnam-Egypt Political Consultation Held in Hanoi

Ninth Vietnam-Egypt Political Consultation Held in Hanoi

The friendship between Vietnam and Egypt had its highest political manifestation in the historical exchanged state visits of President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi to Vietnam.
Tourism Programmes Increased to Meet Vietnam's Travel Demand of Egyptian

Tourism Programmes Increased to Meet Vietnam's Travel Demand of Egyptian

Rising demand for Vietnam's travel is surging the growth of Egyptian companies' tourism programmes
Vietnam's President Meets Singaporean, Egyptian Ambassadors

Vietnam's President Meets Singaporean, Egyptian Ambassadors

Vietnam's President has held meetings with the ambassadors of Singapore and Egypt.
Vietnam Maintains Diplomatic Aspirations in Middle East

Vietnam Maintains Diplomatic Aspirations in Middle East

Despite COVID-19 outbreaks in Egypt and the Middle East in 2021, the Vietnamese Embassy in Egypt has proactively and flexibly implemented a range of activities relating to economic and cultural diplomacy and citizen protection
The Secrets Of Colossi of Memnon – The Unearthly “Singing” Statues

The Secrets Of Colossi of Memnon – The Unearthly “Singing” Statues

With an impressive height of up to 18m, the two giant stone statues are also impressed by the mysterious "singing" sound in Egypt.
Vietnam, Egypt Enhance Trade and Investment Cooperation

Vietnam, Egypt Enhance Trade and Investment Cooperation

Bright prospects lied ahead for cooperation in the fields of economics, trade, and investment between Vietnam and Egypt, said Vietnam Ambassador to Egypt Tran Thanh Cong.
Discover Most Beautiful Acient Greek Ruins That Stand The Test Of Time

Discover Most Beautiful Acient Greek Ruins That Stand The Test Of Time

Greece has a long, rich history that left many ancient sites and ruins around for centuries, which amazingly stand the test of time to become must-see places once you travel to Greece.
Ample room for stronger cooperation between Egypt and Vietnam

Ample room for stronger cooperation between Egypt and Vietnam

Egypt is implementing a comprehensive and ambitious development plan, which represents an opportunity for Vietnamese companies to expand their investment in Egypt for mutual benefit, according to the Egyptian ambassador to Vietnam Mahmoud Hassan Nayel.
Suez Canal ship flows are "cleared"  after Ever Given cargo ship freed

Suez Canal ship flows are "cleared" after Ever Given cargo ship freed

On Saturday, the maritime traffic jam that was created by Ever Given carno ship blocking Suez Canal has been "cleared" and the ships flowed smoothly, according to Egyptian Authorities.
Suez Canal Crisis: Ever Given Cargo ship reportedly freed

Suez Canal Crisis: Ever Given Cargo ship reportedly freed

Ever Given - the stranded container ship on Suez Canal has been partially freed by salvage crews, but it's unclear when the vital trade route will be open again.
Vietnam beauty brought closer to Egyptians’ eyes

Vietnam beauty brought closer to Egyptians’ eyes

The beauty of Vietnamese landscapes and people was promoted at the event “Vietnam Cultural Day in Cairo” held on March 16 under the cooperation of the Vietnamese Embassy in Egypt and the Ministry of Culture of Egypt.
Online exchanges connect Vietnam, Egypt enterprises amid COVID-19

Online exchanges connect Vietnam, Egypt enterprises amid COVID-19

According to Vietnamese Ambassador to Egypt Tran Thanh Cong, amid the global spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Vietnamese Embassy is in the process of looking for a new way to connect enterprises from the two sides.
COVID-19 outbreak: Egypt confirms first case as death toll in China surges past 1,500

COVID-19 outbreak: Egypt confirms first case as death toll in China surges past 1,500

Egypt's health ministry on Friday (Feb 14) announced the first confirmed case of the novel coronavirus in Africa. Meanwhile, the death toll from China surged past 1,500 on Saturday after 139 more people died in Hubei province, the epicentre of the outbreak.
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