Love from the Mainland: Mother and Son Reunite on Truong Sa

For many years, delegations from Ho Chi Minh City have visited and encouraged officers, soldiers, and people living and working in the Truong Sa archipelago.
May 21, 2024 | 09:56
Emotional Journey to Truong Sa Archipelago
Delegates visited the vegetable garden of soldiers on Nui Le B island. Photo: VNA

Reunite on a remote island

Among the delegates of the Ho Chi Minh City delegation visiting officers, soldiers and people of Truong Sa (Spratly) island district in 2024, perhaps no one is as nervous as Nguyen Thi Lanh (Tan Binh district, Ho Chi Minh City), because her youngest son Huynh The Son is stationed on Sinh Ton Island.

Nguyen Thi Lanh said there is no mother who does not look forward to the moments of meeting her child after many months of separation, especially on a remote island.

"Since knowing that I would have the opportunity to meet my child, I have always been in a state of nervousness and emotion. Luckily, Bo's father (Bo - Huynh The Son's nickname) calmly prepared for everything.

Bo called home and told us not to worry. Bo is healthy and always completes all assigned tasks well. He said I didn't need to bring anything, so I just brought a mainland gift for Bo and his teammates to enjoy."

In his mother's tight embrace, as he said goodbye to the working group leaving the island, young soldier Huynh The Son said, "Mom, tell dad to rest assured, I have friends and colleagues here. I will strive to fulfill my duties as a naval soldier on the border and islands."

On the islands that the Ho Chi Minh City delegation visited, the young soldiers were all encouraged by the City's leaders. They received shirts with the City's symbol, bucket hats, and bandanas bearing the gratitude of the City's people.

Truong Sa officers and soldiers met their family members again when welcoming Ho Chi Minh City delegates to visit the island. Letters from Marie Curie school students, plant seeds, and essential items were given to the island's soldiers.

Sending faith back to the mainland

Emotional Journey to Truong Sa Archipelago
Children on Sinh Ton Island. Photo: VNA

Amidst the waves and winds of the sea, facing the harshness of nature and countless dangers, Truong Sa soldiers overcome all difficulties to complete the task of preserving and protecting the sacred waters of the Fatherland.

Lieutenant Tran Quoc Cuong, the political commissar of Co Lin Island, affirmed that officers and soldiers on duty on Co Lin Island in particular, and on the Truong Sa archipelago, in general, are honored and proud to contribute their youth to the cause of firmly protecting the sovereignty of the sea, islands and sacred continental shelf of the Fatherland.

On duty at the remote island, officers and soldiers on Co Lin Island always maintain an optimistic mindset, train, and be ready to face and overcome all difficulties to complete their tasks.

Sergeant Phan Van Tien, who has been on duty on Da Tay C island for four months, said, "Life on the island is a bit difficult, but once determined that it is a mission, I have to overcome everything to complete it. Since I have my colleagues, this is like my family and I am proud to follow in my father's footsteps of protecting our homeland's islands and seas. Even though there are hardships and dangers, we will overcome them. If my father and teammates can do it, I can do it too."

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