Vietnam - RoK Parliamentary Friendship Group Work for Stronger Bilateral Ties

The activities of the Vietnam - Republic of Korea (RoK) Parliamentary Friendship Group have been implemented actively and effectively with many high-level contact activities in diverse and rich forms.
June 27, 2024 | 09:50
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Vice Chairwoman of the National Assembly (NA) Nguyen Thi Thanh, who is also Chairwoman of the Vietnam - Republic of Korea (RoK) Parliamentary Friendship Group (PFG), had a meeting with members of the group in Hanoi on June 25, VNA reported.

Attending the meeting were Health Minister Dao Hong Lan; Secretary of the Lai Chau Province's Party Committee, Chairwoman of the provincial People's Council, Head of the provincial NA Delegation Giang Pao My; Vice Chairwoman of the NA's Committee for Foreign Affairs Le Thu Ha - General Secretary of the Vietnam Friendship Parliamentarians Organization; Vice Chairman of the NA's Economic Committee, Vice Chairman of the Vietnam - RoK PFG Nguyen Ngoc Bao; Vice Chairman of the Vietnam - RoK PFG Nguyen Thanh Cong; representatives of the NA's Committee for Foreign Affairs, Foreign Ministry, and members of the Vietnam - RoK PFG.

Vietnam - RoK Parliamentary Friendship Group Work for Stronger Bilateral Ties
NA Vice Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Thanh (front, eighth from right) and members of the Vietnam - RoK Parliamentary Friendship Group at the meeting in Hanoi on June 25. Photo: VNA

Applauding the contributions by PFGs, including the Vietnam - RoK PFG, to parliamentary diplomacy, Thanh asked members of the Vietnam - RoK PFG to further bring into play their role in helping to boost the two countries’ locality-to-locality cooperation in the fields they work in.

They should also continue serving as active contributors to the development of the two NAs’ ties, as well as people-to-people exchanges, she said.

The group reported that since the start of the NA’s 15th tenure, parliamentary cooperation has played an important part in the two countries’ overall relations and reaped many encouraging results.

Leaders of the two NAs, specialized committees, and the group have maintained frequent meetings and opinion sharing.

Activities of the group has been carried out actively, effectively and diversely through the close coordination among agencies in charge of Party-to-Party, State-to-State, and people-to-people diplomacy such as the Party Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations, the Foreign Ministry, the Viet Nam Union of Friendship Organizations (VUFO), and the Vietnam - RoK Friendship Association.

Besides, the Vietnam - RoK and RoK - Vietnam PFGs have frequently met and worked with each other to hold activities marking the two countries’ major anniversaries.

They have also actively participated in specialized forums, workshops, and discussions to share their countries’ experiences in building and perfecting development mechanisms and policies, thus helping reinforce cooperation between the two legislative bodies and the two countries.

For the time ahead, the Vietnam - RoK PFG is set to continue coordinating with relevant agencies of both sides to hold celebrations of the two countries’ anniversaries to match with the bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership. It will also work with the RoK side and Vietnamese agencies to arrange high-ranking delegation exchanges.

In addition, it will team up with the RoK - Vietnam PFG and Korean parliamentarians to foster bilateral connections in such areas as development cooperation, trade, investment, health care, education, along with locality-to-locality and people-to-people links.

Vietnam - RoK Parliamentary Friendship Group Work for Stronger Bilateral Ties
Vice Chairwoman of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Thanh and RoK Ambassador to Vietnam Choi Young-sam. Photo:

The two sides will also maintain meetings and information sharing with the embassy and representatives of RoK's agencies and organizations in Vietnam to promote cooperation and deal with problems in a timely manner, according to the group.

Later the same day, Thanh received RoK Ambassador to Vietnam Choi Young-sam.

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