Vietnamese Women Abroad Keep Culture Alive

Overseas Vietnamese women have been acknowledged as a core force in preserving and promoting the Vietnamese cultural identity during a working session aimed at reviewing and evaluating the coordination efforts between the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Central Committee of the Vietnam Women's Union.
August 20, 2024 | 09:14
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The working session focused on effectively implementing the Politburo’s Conclusion No. 12-KL/TW, dated August 12, 2021, regarding the work related to overseas Vietnamese.

Participants of the working session. (Photo: Ha Noi Moi)
Participants of the working session. (Photo: Ha Noi Moi)

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chairwoman of the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Le Thi Thu Hang and Vice President of the Vietnam Women's Union Tran Lan Phuong co-chaired the session.

It was assessed that the Vietnamese community abroad, particularly women, has been growing stronger and contributing positively to enhancing the great national unity. They also serve as a bridge between Vietnam and other countries.

It is estimated that over 2.5 million Vietnamese women are currently living, working, and studying in more than 130 countries and territories worldwide, out of a total of approximately 6 million overseas Vietnamese.

Overseas Vietnamese women are a core force in supporting the integration of the Vietnamese community into their host countries. In addition, they play a vital role in preserving and promoting the national cultural identity, and the Vietnamese language. They actively participate in charitable and fundraising activities to support the community, local citizens, and people in Vietnam facing difficulties, natural disasters, and fires.

However, Vietnamese women abroad still face numerous challenges in integrating into the host country's society due to cultural and language differences. There are also challenges related to cultural integration, including maintaining the national cultural identity and the Vietnamese language.

Vietnamese Women Abroad Keep Culture Alive
A performance of "A journey around Vietnam" by Vietnamese women at the "Vietnam Cultural Show London 2024" in London, UK. (Photo: VNA)

The State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Central Committee of the Vietnam Women's Union have actively collaborated in organizing activities for Vietnamese women abroad, exchanging information on issues related to women and the activities of Vietnamese women's organizations abroad, and introducing outstanding expatriate women to participate in domestic activities.

The leaders of both units outlined several directions to enhance further the effectiveness of work related to Vietnamese women abroad. This includes researching and proposing ways to increase the presence of women in political and social organizations within the country.

Additionally, it is necessary to support and connect Vietnamese women's organizations abroad, organize programs and activities for women and children from multicultural families, and promote information messaging about the Party's policies, State laws, and the activities of the Vietnam Women's Union to Vietnamese women's organizations abroad.

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