Cultural Voyage: Vietnamese Youth Connect with Peers Across Asia

The Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union and the National Committee on Youth of Vietnam have just announced the delegation to participate in the 48th Ship for Southeast Asian and Japanese Youth Program (SSEAYP) in 2024.
August 27, 2024 | 12:19
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Cultural Voyage: Vietnamese Youth Connect with Peers Across Asia
The delegation to participate in the 48th Ship for Southeast Asian and Japanese Youth Program (SSEAYP) in 2024 include 17 people (Photo: NLD).

The Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union and the National Committee on Youth of Vietnam have just announced the Vietnamese delegation to participate in the 48th Ship for Southeast Asian and Japanese Youth Program (SSEAYP) in 2024. Over the years, SSEAYP has become a dream program for many young people, providing special experiences and rare opportunities for Vietnamese, ASEAN and Japanese youth.

The 17 delegates from Vietnam participated in the 48th SSEAYP including young role models with a wide range of ages, expertises and professional fields. Accompanying the delegation are the head of the delegation (NL) and representatives of former members (OBSC).

The Vietnamese delegation chose the theme "Shining Viet Nam" - youthful, dynamic with a modern and impressive identity for this year's program. The logo of "Shining Viet Nam" is a combination of brocade motifs, the image of the sun and bright colors. The delegation strives to show the image of Vietnam with the aspiration to rise up, towards sustainable development goals, but still imbued with national identity and spirit.

The 48th program of SSEAYP takes place from November 4 to December 11. It will feature exciting activities on the Nippon Maru (Japan) and will dock in 3 countries: Japan, Vietnam and Indonesia. The program is a very important milestone, with the participation of 168 delegates from 11 countries. This year, East Timor will participate in the program as an observer.

The Ship for Southeast Asian and Japanese Youth Program (SSEAYP) is an international youth exchange program jointly organized by the Government of Japan and 10 ASEAN countries.

As one of the most important annual foreign affairs activities of youth in the region and Japan, SSEAYP aims is to promote mutual understanding, solidarity and friendship between Japan and Southeast Asian countries.

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