Nghe An Union of Friendship Organizations Fosters People-to-People Connections

Nghe An is the largest province in the country and holds a strategic location in terms of security and order. As a key Vietnamese province, its leaders are focusing on boosting its influence and relationships across the world.
September 23, 2024 | 08:53
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The Nghe An Union of Friendship Organizations on September 17 held the sixth congress for the 2024-2029 term, electing Hoang Nghia Hieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, its president for the new term.

7 key tasks

According to the orientation presented at the congress, in the 2024-2029 term, the Nghe An Union of Friendship Organizations will focus on 7 key tasks to promote creative and effective people-to-people diplomacy.

Improving the effectiveness of information work; innovating content, diversifying news articles and images; applying advanced technology to information work, timely, accurate and attractive.

Continuing to implement directives, resolutions, plans and conclusions of the Central Government and Nghe An on people-to-people diplomacy; disseminate and propagate so that members are clearly aware of the Party's guidelines and viewpoints, the State's policies and laws on strengthening the Party's leadership, continuing to innovate and improve the effectiveness of people-to-people diplomacy in the new situation.

Effectively implementing the regulation on coordination of people-to-people diplomatic affairs between the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Nghe An, the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Nghe An Union of Friendship Organizations for the period of 2021-2026 and coordinate the organization of people-to-people activities with departments, branches, localities, universities, colleges, enterprises and people's organizations.

Innovating the content and form of friendship and cooperation; consolidate and improve the effectiveness of existing relations, establish new partnerships; actively mobilize and utilize resources, diversify aid sources, coordinate the effective use of international resources.

Organizing peace activities, friendly exchanges with people of other countries, refine content, boost the effectiveness of mobilization work, harmoniously combine economic interests with ensuring foreign affairs, national defense and security requirements for the benefit of the nation and people in people-to-people diplomatic activities.

Initiating content and methods of mobilizing overseas Vietnamese of Nghe An origin to contribute to the construction and development of the homeland and the country.

At the same time, to actively participate in social security, charity and humanitarian works.

Nghe An Union of Friendship Organizations Works for Stronger People's Ties
The Executive Committee of the Nghe An Union of Friendship Organizations for the 2024-2029 term. Photo:

The congress elected the Executive Committee of the Nghe An Union of Friendship Organizations for the 2024-2029 term, consisting of 37 members. Hoang Nghia Hieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, was elected to hold the position of president for the new term.

Innovating people-to-people diplomacy's thinking

Speaking at the congress, Nguyen Ngoc Hung, Vice President of the Viet Nam Union of Friendship Organizations, suggested that the Nghe An Union of Friendship Organizations pay attention to 5 areas of work in the coming time.

First, to advise the Provincial Party Committee to continue to thoroughly grasp the Party's instructions on people’s diplomacy so that the entire political system and people clearly understand its role. In which, the Nghe An Union of Friendship Organizations and its member organizations play a leading role.

Second, to innovate thinking, approaches, as well as methods and contents of implementing people-to-people activities in a profound and practical direction, together with the Party and State diplomacy, to create specific and effective contributions to the cause of national defense and socio-economic development.

Third, to promote the mobilization of foreign non-governmental aid, focusing on strengthening relations with organizations and donors operating in the locality. At the same time, closely coordinate with departments, branches and sectors to ensure that programs and projects are implemented smoothly. In addition, it is necessary to proactively develop cooperation proposals in new areas such as high technology, green energy and community tourism.

Nghe An Union of Friendship Organizations Works for Stronger People's Ties
Vice President of the Viet Nam Union of Friendship Organizations Nguyen Ngoc Hung (fifth from left) presented Certificates of Merit to collectives and individuals. Photo:

Fourth, continue to promote the achievements in foreign information work in the previous term. The Nghe An Union of Friendship Organizations needs to increase investment in technology, content and information activities, helping international friends better understand the policies, achievements in local socio-economic development, culture and outstanding landscapes.

Fifth, focus on training and capacity building for the personnel working in foreign affairs, especially people-to-people diplomacy, with a focus on building a successor force at the Nghe An Union of Friendship Organizations and its member organizations. At the same time, increase the organization of specialized information sharing sessions, both updating knowledge and creating opportunities to bring people-to-people diplomacy closer to the people, as well as departments, branches and sectors.

Hung also requested the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Party Personnel Committee of the People's Committee, to continue to pay attention and create favorable conditions for the Nghe An Union of Friendship Organizations to successfully complete its tasks in the coming term.

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Hannah Nguyen
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