Angola Commits to Creating Favorable Conditions for Vietnamese Investors
14:33 | 04/04/2024
The Angolan side assessed that this working visit to Angola led by Vietnamese Minister Nguyen Kim Son demonstrated the good relationship between the two countries.

Promoting Business Activities of Vietnamese Enterprises in Angola
00:00 | 14/11/2023
In order to promote business and investment activities of Vietnamese enterprises, Ambassador Duong Chinh Chuc recently hosted a discussion with Vietnamese enterprises in Angola.

Vietnam and Angola Boost Broad-based Cooperation
08:21 | 18/11/2022
Vietnamese Deputy Foreign Minister Pham Quang Hieu and Secretary of State of the Angolan Ministry of Foreign Affairs Domingos Vieira Lopes agree that there is still plenty of potential for the two nations to strengthen collaboration during the discussions on November 15 in Hanoi.

Young Vietnamese's Journey to Spread National Cultural Values in Africa
16:09 | 17/08/2022
Pham Quang Linh and his friends have been building houses, repairing schools, giving rice and Vietnamese traditional Ao dai, therby helping struggling communities in Africa. His actions bring Vietnamese values to new African friends.
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