Overseas Vietnamese, French People Take to The Streets in Support of Tran To Nga’s Agent Orange Lawsuit
11:42 | 07/05/2024
The activity to support 82-year-old Tran To Nga is important, taking place before the hearing at the Paris Court of Appeals that will take place on May 7, to continue hearing the case of Nga, against 14 companies that produced or marketed Agent Orange/dioxine used in the war in Vietnam during the 1961-1971 period.

Vietnamese-French Woman Raises Fund to Assist Agent Orange Victims
13:51 | 07/08/2023
A Vietnamese-French woman supported Agent Orange victims in the northern province of Ha Nam.

Belgium-Vietnam Friendship Association Supports AO/Dioxin Victims in Dong Nai Province
10:04 | 07/03/2023
The Belgium - Vietnam Friendship Association donated EUR 1,100 to victims of Agent Orange/dioxin in Dong Nai province

Vietnam, US Overcome the Consequences of War Together
22:35 | 31/10/2022
The US side plans to expand its support to many other provinces of Vietnam in the near future, said Tim Rieser, senior foreign policy advisor to US Senator Patrick Leahy.

Tran To Nga Honored for Supporting Agent Orange Victims
08:31 | 18/03/2022
The Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin has just awarded Tran To Nga, an overseas Vietnamese in France, a certificate for the Victims of Agent Orange. This is to recognize her merits in fighting for justice for Agent Orange victims and having activities to support the victims in Vietnam.

Merle Ratner: We Are Always With You - Victims of Agent Orange
22:53 | 12/08/2021
Merle Evelyn Ratner is an American activist born in New York city. She has been active in the anti-Vietnam War since she was 13 years old and is currently a founding Co-Coordinator of the Vietnam Agent Orange Relief & Responsibility Campaign in the United States. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Agent Orange disaster in Vietnam (August 10, 1961 - August 10, 2021), she sent a message to those victims: "We are always with you".

Creating Better Conditions to Support Victims of Agent Orange
22:41 | 08/08/2021
To commemorate 60 years of the Agent Orange/dioxin disaster in Vietnam, the Vietnam Times interviewed Vice President of the Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange Nguyen Van Khanh.

'I still believe justice will come to Agent Orange victims in Vietnam'
09:27 | 01/06/2021
The statement was made by Hoang Cong Thuy, former Secretary General of the Vietnam-USA Society. Thuy made the trip to the US to attend the litigation at the New York State Court of Appeal in 2007.

Vietnam association for AO victims backs Tran To Nga’s lawsuit
14:18 | 13/05/2021
The Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange (VAVA) backs Tran To Nga’s viewpoint and will provide both spiritual and material support for the Vietnamese-French woman to continue pursuing her lawsuit, Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Rinh, VAVA President said.

VAVAPlus: Fundraising app to support AO/dioxin victims launched
08:12 | 07/10/2020
The Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange (AO)/dioxin (VAVA) on October 6 launched VAVAPlus - a fundraising app for victims of AO/dioxin.
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