Tran To Nga Confirms Determination to Fight for Vietnamese Agent Orange Victims

On August 22, the Paris Court of Appeal (France) issued a verdict dismissing the lawsuit filed by Tran To Nga, a French-Vietnamese, against 14 companies implicated in supplying Agent Orange during the American War in Vietnam. Despite the result, Nga said she would "not give up" and continue her fight.
August 24, 2024 | 15:57
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In response to the media, Tran To Nga, aged 83, stated: "This struggle is not mine alone, but also belongs to the millions of other victims of Agent Orange." The Bourdon Law Firm, which represents Tran To Nga, along with William Bourdon and Bertrand Repolt, have reaffirmed their commitment to stand with Tran To Nga, stating: "Our struggle does not end with this decision."

Tran To Nga Confirms Determination to Fight for Vietnamese Agent Orange Victims
Tran To Nga speaks at a rally in Paris to support her lawsuit and Vietnamese Agent Orange victims. (Photo: VNA)

In a conversation with Nhan Dan newspaper, Vo Dinh Kim, the coordinator of the Campaign Committee to Support Tran To Nga and co-founder of the Vietnam-Dioxine group in France, said: "We are profoundly disappointed by the Paris Court of Appeal's decision regarding Nga's case. We had previously harbored hopes that the court would acknowledge the accountability of the chemical corporations involved. Our commitment to seeking justice remains unwavering."

"Many other members of the Campaign Committee and our Vietnam-Dioxine group could not hide their disappointment. The press has been closely following the event. As a result, many French people have gained deeper information about Agent Orange. We have seen strong support from public opinion, including the French public. In our group, we have many young French individuals who have expressed their sympathy for the victims of Agent Orange. They are actively seeking ways to support the cause, which is being addressed through numerous concrete actions. We hold the conviction that this issue transcends Vietnam and represents a matter of justice for all humanity," he said.

"We plan to hold a discussion at the upcoming Humanitarian Press Conference in September to raise public awareness of dioxin and to advocate for victims of Agent Orange. In addition, we have received support from many members of the French National Assembly."

During the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' regular press conference on August 22, spokesperson Pham Thu Hang addressed a question regarding Tran To Nga's lawsuit against US companies producing Agent Orange/dioxin. "We have recently been informed about this matter. While the war in Vietnam has long ended, its tremendous implications continue to linger on the country and people in Vietnam, including the long-term severe consequences of Agent Orange/dioxin," she stated.

"We strongly support the efforts of Agent Orange victims, to urge chemical companies in charge of producing and supplying Agent Orange or dioxin to the US in this war against Việt Nam, which has caused millions of Vietnamese people to become victims, to take responsibility, and address their relevant consequences."

Since 2014, Tran To Nga has filed a lawsuit at the Évry Court in the suburbs of Paris.

The lawsuit against American chemical corporations was initiated in 2021. However, the Évry Court dismissed the case, citing that the companies had adequate grounds for "immunity" since they were acting upon the request of the US government. Consequently, the Évry Court lacked the jurisdiction to adjudicate the actions of another sovereign state.

On May 7, 2024, the Paris Court of Appeal commenced a hearing regarding Tran To Nga's lawsuit against 14 American chemical firms, such as Monsanto, for manufacturing and selling herbicides with dioxin (Agent Orange) that were provided to the US military during the war in Vietnam.

On August 22, 2024, the Paris Court of Appeal delivered a same ruling with Érvy Court.

Warm Support for Agent Orange Victims' Fight for Justice

Warm Support for Agent Orange Victims' Fight for Justice

For the past eight years, Tran To Nga has initiated a lawsuit against chemical companies that produce and sell Agent Orange used by the US ...

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Vietnamese-French Woman Raises Fund to Assist Agent Orange Victims

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Hazel M.
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